My Experienceby Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas | 08-06-2018 22:51 |
I would like to share an experience I got from attending the program of education on environmental leadership from 26 February to 3 March 2018 in Singapore. The participants were from Indonesia and Singapore. There were 4 participants from Indonesia and 6 participants from Singapore. We got to know each other through games and group projects. After every session, we should make an evaluation on what we have learned. We all had individual project that must be executed after the meeting. My project was about plastic awareness campaign. I have learned and experienced a lot of things from the program, but what stood out to me were the problem tree, empathy, and design thinking. These three things were very useful tools that would be able to help you to solve an environmental problem. When there is a problem in your community, you can start with a problem tree. Then from there you can choose a problem statement, or in other words a part of the root problem you want to tackle. After that, you start to learn about the people you are trying to help, especially their culture, and behavior. You would have to empathize with them, so that the solution you are trying to create would work with them. Then you start being creative and make solutions. Create prototypes, receive feedbacks, and move on to find the best solution for the people. All of the above I have talked about is actually the process of design thinking. If you would like to try it out in your community, go ahead!! |