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by CARLOS OCON DEGAMO JR. | 07-06-2018 14:02

Environmental justice

According to the internet E.J. define as "the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies." In the words of Bunyan Bryant, "Environmental justice is served when people can realize their highest potential".


Recent Environmental Situation in the Philippines

The Philippines currently faces several environmental issues, which affects the

country in a multitude of ways:



 The deforestation problem in the Philippines is mainly caused by

population growth, development among other things. The deforestation problem is

emphasized by the fact that rainforests covered only 18% of the country's total land

area in 1997. Through government action, however, in 2003, rainforest coverage went

up to 24%. One of the current problems with monitoring deforestation is that illegal

loggers do not live in the area where deforestation activities occur. They simply cut down trees and then leave.



Solid Waste Management

A second environmental problem is solid waste

management. There is no need to provide statistics or studies to explain the problem;

all one has to do is look around at the prevalence of trash in every part of the country.

The problem is simple: waste is being generated. It is not segregated and is not

disposed properly. At the end of the day, these practices affect many aspects of our

lives such as our water, land, and our health.

The average Filipino throws away 3.5 kilos of trash a day.

These environmental issues such as deforestation and pollution, create unique

problems for a unique country. The Philippines is ranked as one of the top 17

megadiversity countries and a top hot spot for biodiversity. Problems such as pollution detrimentally affect the many species of flora and fauna.basura

Air Pollution

While CO2 emissions is comparable per capita to our Southeast

Asian neighbors, the Philippines? rate of ozone emissions is higher than that of our Southeast Asian neighbors.


Climate Change

Climate change is a real environmental issue in this world, and

also has a unique effect on the Philippines. CJ Puno, in citing to a report of the UN

Intergovernmental Committee on Climate Change, stated that temperatures would

increase by 1.8-4 degrees celsius by year 2099, and sea level will rise by 38-43 cm

during the same period. But the ?tragedy?, according to CJ Puno is that developing

countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change. These countries cannot fend

off floods and other natural disasters. Moreover, some of these economies are based

on sectors that are dependent on the state of climate such as agriculture.

*photo credits to the real owner

*Supreme Court of the Philippines Forum on Environmental Justice(Summary of Inputs)