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by CARLOS OCON DEGAMO JR. | 07-06-2018 14:38

A 4 day long Open Table and Exhibit which was held on July 8-11, 2013 at UC Science Building basement level which was also called as the ?PSSE-UCSC 2013 Kick Off? was launched by the newly organized academic organization representing the Environmental and Sanitary Engineering (EnSE) students. It aims to unite and make representation to the small population of EnSE studentry in UC. We are positive that through the organization, we will make EnSE a desirable course to take that will help to increase the number of student enrollees for the course. The exhibit aims to raise awareness for the emerging need of protecting and conserving our natural resources. Concentrating to EnSE students only would means that the population of PSSE-UCSC members low, that is why as stated in our Constitution, all students of UC who wants to become part and support the activities are welcome because we believe that protecting and conserving our environment is not the job of EnSE students but a must for all because we are all affected by the present condition of our nature.We are able to attain the objective well. People who saw the exhibit leaves some feedbacks regarding on the new information that they saw. They also realized that Sanitary Engineering profession contributes to the welfare of the nation as well protecting public health, keeping our waters safe and clean and protecting our environment. This is also the start of introducing the PSSE-UCSC in actions, the ?PSSE-UCSC 2013 Kick Off?.
