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Reused plastic Arts and crafts competition and exhibition!

by Dibya Bhatta | 06-06-2018 15:22

Few weeks back Me ,Dibya Bhatta, the Eco generation ambassador to Nepal had formed a eco club in the school I previously studied!
Jointly the Eco club and me organized" reused plastic arts and crafts Exhibition and competition "on world environment day 2018 on premises of Tamakoshi English boarding school premises.almost 30 arts and crafts out of plastic wastes were collected and the students were asked to explain their arts.School cleanliness was also organized before the event.
Even in the fraction of seconds or in the blink of an eye or After you complete reading this sentence,huge piles of plastic bottles alone are manufactured more than you can imagine!Same is the case with other plastic stuffs.
And No.of such stuffs recycled is far less than those manufactured. So let's #BeatPlasticPollution
#HappyWorldEnvironmentDay018 🌍
#If you can't reuse it then refuse it! 
Thabk you lil Eco warriors from TEBS.Make our TEBS always proud.
#Promote Eco-stuffs
#Reuse,#Reduce, #Recycle
#GreenCheers 💚💚
#Best plastic pollution
#Refuse it if you can't reuse it.
You can view more pictures and videos on my Facebook wall.