Saving treesby Xilola Kayumova | 04-06-2018 00:44 |
w do trees grow? Trees have to be strong in order to live millenniums. Most trees consolidate their construction as they grow- with the pass of time they become much stronger. In tropical areas, trees grow with the speed of 5 meters a year, which is like 100 times faster than people grow in their teen ages. In other parts of the world trees grow much slower, but there are some trees which grow more than 1 meter in every spring season. The growth of a tree is a very difficult process, which is always in need of correction. As the tree grows higher, the more it is easy for the wind to bring it down and for the tide to break it. Trees don?t only grow by height, some of them increase their width as well. Expansion of the tree?s roots and branches is connected with cambia. Cambia is located under the roots and it covers all the branches of a tree. Here, I wanted to share some information about different kinds of trees. All of the following trees grow in different parts of the world and all of them have their own uniqueness and peculiarity. -The biggest Bengali ficus (?Ban?yan? in Russian) tree in the world takes around the area of a football (soccer) arena. The higher trees grow in mountains, the slower is the speed of their growth. -The Madagascar Ravenala, or the tree of travellers, forms a gigantic fan out of leafs. The new, young leafs of the tree are located in the top, the older ones are in the sides. -The Talipotic palm-trees growing in the north-east Asia die after flowering only once in a lifetime. There can be around 250,000 creamy- yellow flowers in each tree. Trees are one of the many reasons we are still alive on this earth. Even a school child knows that trees produce oxygen. If so, Why shouldn't we take care of them? I have a dream to see all of the given trees above in real life. I believe that seeing them in real life is way more different than their pictures and videos. Thank you for reading. |