How Environmental Justice Saved my World, my Home and my Rosa Domingos | 01-06-2018 22:30 |
![]() Imagine a society that does not pay any attention to the needs of its people and to the environmental plagues that surrounds them, due to the colour of their skin, nationality, or a source of income. One can imagine such a scenario because it has happened and it still is. Fortunately, laws and policies have been mandated to shield citizens in such situations. Where the people can voice out their opinions to generate a change for the greater good, cultivate a mind-set that not only strengthens them, but heals the past workings of opposition, whether the oppression was aimed at the people or at the environment of the people living in it. Environmental Justice - Button by Ricardo Levins Morales, 2018. To pertain to the worthy (Rinkesh, n/a), and fair treatment and purposeful participation of all people irrespective of race, colour, national background, or income with respect to the development, execution and implementation of environmental laws, regulations and policies is what is termed Environmental justice (Learn about environmental justice, 2018). The definition basically is based on a comprehensive explanation of the environment and its surroundings with respect to the settings which a person lives (Rinkesh, n/a). Some environmental organizations such as EPA have environmental justice as a goal in order to protect every public citizens or societies from any kind of environmental harms within their living and operational areas (Learn about environmental justice, 2018). The prime aim of environmental justice is to thus, guarantee each and every person benefits from an equal degree of protection from environmental and health related hazards. The environmental justice ?movement? in South Africa came to fame in the early 90s with the relaxation of apartheid laws and unbanning of political movements (Law, 2007). What environmental justice means to me is that it provides an equal platform for all to voice out their opinions with regards to issues that are affecting them and being guaranteed their safety from an environmental and health point of view. It also means that they may partake in decision-making about what is right and suitable for their living areas and play an important role in safeguarding their future and the future of their offspring with the help of the government and other organisations. But mostly, what it means to me is that No man deserves to receive anything less than another man, especially when it is crucial for the wellbeing and health for that person. Also, I believe that environmental justice stands as a fortress for the environment that we so mindlessly are destroying in the sense that it has the authoritative power to act upon environmental culprits accordingly. One example of the prominence of environmental justice in South Africa was in the early 90s with the rapid removal of apartheid laws and increase in diverse political movements(Law, 2007). Before that, indian, coloured and mostly the black communities were subjected to poor living conditions, poor water service and waste removal and the most devastating is that they were exposed to the dangers of natural disasters (Law, 2007). Lack of Water Pushing Community Health into danger. extract from Rustenburg Review, 2011. Fast track to 2018 where the conditions have gotten better but more work needs to be put in by the government and civil society campaigns to ensure continuous change in the country (Law, 2007). References: Law, S. 2007. Environmental Justice. [Online]. Avaibale: Accessed: June, 1, 2018. Rinkesh, 2018. What is Environmental Justice? [Online]. Avaibale: Accessed: June, 1, 2018. United States Environmental Protection Agency. N/a. [Online]. Avaibale: Accessed: June, 1, 2018. |