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by kiran banstola | 31-05-2018 21:48

Agroforestry is derived from the combination of two English words viz. Agriculture and Forestry. Agroforestry is the branch of science which deals about agriculture, forestry, environmental science, sociology, economics and watershed management . Agroforestry is the land use system , which involves food crops, tree , forage food , shrub, animals and propels in one integrated system. It is an age old system practiced for thousands of years by farmers of the world. Agroforestry is the practical application of science , technology and economics to the forest estate for the achievement of sustainable production of forest produce including food, fodder, fiber and industrial raw materials , maintenance of soil fertility and protection of the environment.

                                                         Agroforestry is the science, art and practice that deals with the management and utilization of woody perennials in combination with other agricultural crops , animals, aquatic and other resources either zonally, mixed simultaneously or sequentially for the twin purpose of conservation and socioeconomic productivity.

Characteristics of agroforestry system:

An agroforestry system always has two or more outputs. The cycle of an  agroforestry  system is always longer than one year. Agroforestry normally involves two or more spesies of plants and animals at least one of which is a woody perennial. Even the simplest agroforestry system is more complex ecologically and economically than a monocropping system and there must be a significant interaction between woody and nonwoody components of the system ecologically and economically.There are three principles of agroforestry ;

1.Production: It is the capacity of the system to produce food, timber, livestock,etc.

2.Protective: It is the ability of the system to minimize the degradation of the forest and agricultural farm.

3.Ameliorative: it is the ability of the system to maintain and improve the productive capacity of land.

Agroforestry stabilizes shifting cultivation and leads to the protection of the remaining forested areas. It improves the farm site ecology by reducing surface runoff, nutrient loss, soil erosion landslides and riverbank erosion. It also improves the microclimate and enhance the productive capacity of the farm. Sustained employment and higher income can be attained thus improving the living standard of the upland farmer. Agroforestry farms produce multiple products such as food , forage , fuelwood, timber, fruits, and organic fertilizers that can make farmer self sufficient in their basic needs. Improved and sustained crop productivity increases the level of income of the farmers.