ENDANGERED SPECIES IN ZAMBIAby Bwalya Bwalya | 23-05-2018 15:27 |
Plants and animals have played an important role in mankind's life. This is because minus plants and animals, humans can not survive because their needs would not be sufficiently met. Humans use plants as well as animals for food, labor, tools as well as companions. Vegetative resources can be said to be extremely vital in the basic survival of human beings in every country. Hence, preservation of these is cardinal for people. Zambia has many constraints in it's preservation of resources and this threatens the existence of it's vegetative resources. Two of the constraints are a lack of economic resources and desire to develop . Zambia's population is growing.With increased population comes the desire to improve housing, education, health as well as other sector. It is inevitable that the development will result into cutting down of trees. Deforestation is extremely alarming in Zambia. If nothing is done about it, it might turn into a desert in the next few years. A large population of people use Charcoal as an energy source. This means that many cut down trees for domestic purposes. The most endangered tree species in Zambia is the Mukula tree. This is due to it's numerous properties. It can not only be used to construct furniture and f or medicinal purposes, but also used in the production of gun butts. Mukula is called 'gold' by locals. This is because when one has access to it, they are able to generate alot of money. Laws are still being implemented that will ensure that this tree is preserved and that traffickers are stiffly delt with. Zambia is said to be amongst the only six countries in which the wild dog exists. This makes is so vulnerable to extinction. Wild dogs usually walk outside national parks in search for prey to feed on and are in the process attacked by the local farmers.Farmers either shoot at them or set traps to catch them. At other times, wild dogs die due to contraction of diseases from dogs within the community. The rhino are another highly endangered species. These are under attack due to the fact that their horns are used to produce various medicines. In the 1980s the entire population of black rhinos in Zambia was destroyed living it with only five white rhinos alive. |