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by Anishka Jha | 25-05-2018 00:00

Recently I read this quote ? Imagine if trees gave off Wifi signals. We would be planting so many trees and we would probably save the planet too.

Too bad Trees only produce the oxygen we breath?.

Trees are our significant source of life. When we cut trees incessantly we are not cutting just the trees but also our life span on this earth. When we plant trees we plant life. As we all know that trees produces ozygen that is so important for human beings to survive. Trees are essential habitat for wild life and are fundamental to many ecosystems of earth.


Trees are important for physical and mental wellness. A view of trees and green spaces from hospital windows has been found to increase the healing of patientsdecrease our stress, and children do much better in school when they have a view of trees and greenspace and can spend time playing in nature.

Saving trees has always been a national agenda of UAE. The country  is taking  a conscious effort to save its most most precious indigenous evergreen tree – Ghaf, from destruction.

To date, approx. 2,633 people have signed the petition to save the endangered shade tree known as the umbrella tree. The Ghaf  tree has been the touchstone of the Bedouin tribal society providing fuel for fires, shelter, medicine and food. 

 When we mention about trees, rainforests are the integral part. It is not just marvelous storehouses for carbon from the atmosphere. They also safeguard human beings at the eco-system level against flood and drought, affects rainfall frequencies, steadies soil, and most of all rainforests are home to variety of plants, animals and native people. Unfortunately, industrial agriculture is leading to rainforest loss worldwide. Youth and environmentalists groups today must come together to stop the deforestation of our beloved rainforests.

Nearly 4 billion trees worldwide are cut down each year for paper, representing about 35 percent of all harvested trees.  In other words, lesser we use paper lesser trees will be cut.

As an environmentalist, since childhood I have been taught to take care of plants and trees around us. I have participated in many tree planting events happening around me. I collect newspapers and waste papers from my neighborhood and I give it for recycling in order to curtail the cutting of more and more trees to make papers. As a reward I get to plant trees in my name as a part of the initiative by Emirates Environment group in UAE. In my ?WE CARE? group through workshops, I have encouraged youth and children to plant more and more trees in their area. I have done campaigns to minimize the wastage of papers by using both sides of the printed paper.

Schools should follow few tips to reduce the unnecessary printing of papers.

Time limit should be placed on the amount of an individual or group can print. Raising awareness that unlimited print resources are not available will cut down on wastage due to all users checking their documents more carefully for mistakes before printing them. Teachers can also keep an eye on students? printing activity by enabling or disabling printer access to certain classrooms and/ or individuals.

 Always Check Print Preview First

Print Preview is an effective, and often underused, money saving tool. It shows you exactly how a document will look when it?s printed, so it makes it easy to select just the parts you need to print, rather than the whole document if you don?t really need it. It also allows you to determine whether or not you really need the colour in the printed version, or whether monochrome will suffice.

 Consider Digital Over Print

With today?s advances in digital technology, there really isn?t the same need for paper consumption as there has been in the past. Encouraging students to switch to digital media can drastically reduce paper consumption and printing costs. Ways of doing this include:

Encourage students to save resources from the internet onto pen drives rather than printing them out.

Allow students to email their work rather than handing it in on paper. Teachers can then mark it online and email it back to negate the need for printing altogether.

New technologies such as cloud storage can be a great solution, particularly for group projects, as they allow documents to be saved and shared between multiple users online. All users with permission can then edit the documents on their computers with no need for paper usage.

Print in Duplex

Nearly all printers these days have a Duplex setting, which enables you to print on both sides of the paper. While this will not be suitable for all documents, such as letters, for everyday classroom printing it is a simple and effective way of saving money, as, if it is used for most documents, it could reduce your paper costs by almost 50%. Setting all printers to Duplex as the default setting is easy and will not take long, and could save your school a lot of money. It is also worth saving any paper previously printed on one side and no longer needed, as the reverse can be used as notepaper.

Print Multiple Pages Per Sheet

Most software packages, including Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat, have a setting that enables you to fit two or even four pages of text onto one sheet of paper. Activating this setting can double your print economy or more, while still being legible. Also, if you use a lot of PowerPoint slides in the classroom and print them out as course materials, select to print them as Handouts instead of Slides. This automatically prints six slides per page instead of one. This simple change, in combination with printing in duplex, could result in as much as a 92% saving in paper usage.

 Reduce Font Size

Reducing the font size you use for documents is a very simple way of saving your school money, as naturally, the smaller the font, the less paper and ink it will consume. Switching from a twelve-point font to ten will make a difference, while still being perfectly clear to read.

 Print in Draft Mode

Setting your printer to Draft as the default setting will drastically reduce your ink consumption without reducing the appearance of basic documents too much. It automatically reduces the resolution at which it prints documents to 300dpi, which is perfectly adequate for everyday classroom printing.,