what happened on earth day in uganda with Fika Afrika Advocacy foundationby Mugisha Derrick Emmanuel | 17-05-2018 00:24 |
![]() ![]() The planet Earth is currently losing over 15 billion trees each year that?s 56 acres of forest every minute. Earth day network is working hard to reverse that trend by supporting global reforestation projects across the world. In Uganda, forest cover has declined from 24% in 1990 to 9% in 2015(UNREED). Deforestation in Uganda has mainly been due to a rapid increase of a population currently estimated at slightly over 40 million people and about 86.70% of this population live in rural areas with 93% of this population exploiting biomass as the only source of energy (World Bank report). This hassled to the indiscriminate clearing of forest reserves, wetlands and numerous tree species. The reality of the deforestation is that it ushers in changing climate and it?s a threat to life, sustainable development of communities and especially grassroots women and children. ABOUT THE EARTHDAY The Earthday celebrations focus on climate and environmental literacy in Uganda. Climate literacy is now recognised universally as the engine for driving individual behavioural change, building consumer support for the green economy, creating green technologies and jobs and promoting policy reforms at all levels of the government. Recognising the importance of an educated global population, the authors of the Paris Climate agreement put Climate Change Education at its heart calling on national governments to cooperate in taking measures to enhance climate education, training and access to information. education and action are the two most valuable steps we can take to protect our planet. THEME: The Earth day Uganda 2018 was based on the theme Plastics: Reduce, Recycle and Reuse: to upscale solutions to ?END PLASTIC POLLUTION? in Uganda. it focused on climate and Environmental Literacy and among the topics focused on were the plastics. Plastics litter our cities, environment, lakes, rivers and springs and contribute to several health problems in humans and animals. Research showed that by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the world?s oceans a problem which can be solved by cleaning up trash, drastically reducing the amount of plastics used and recycling 100% of the rest. objectIVES: ? To raise awareness about the impact of plastics, and suggest practical practices for reform through reducing and reusing ? To create awareness and sensitization about climate change causes and effects, mitigation and adaptation approach. ? To raise awareness and increase knowledge on renewable and energy efficient technologies. ? To create awareness on the best practices for home waste management and disposal. ? To promote youth participation in climate change and environmental conservation practices. ? To promote reforestation in schools and communities in Uganda by planting 2500 fruit trees in 20 schools and 5 urban communities respectively. The activities for the Earth Day Celebrations took place from the 17th – 22rd April 2018. The grand celebrations took place on the 22rd April 2018 at KCCA grounds Lugogo. The Earth Day celebrations were open to the general community to participate and the exhibition was open to all members of the community. But most importantly the celebrations focused on the following end users, households, local business especially dealers in Renewable and energy efficient technologies, Local Schools, the private sector, NGOs, international community and some government departments. The earth day celebration was successfully conducted and the different people who got an opportunity to attend were able to appreciate the different materials that can be obtained from the plastic wastes. In addition, the people who settle around Nakawa market got an opportunity to learn and know the disadvantages of littering plastic wastes and how they can be sorted from those that can easily decompose. Trees are to be planted in 20 schools that were selected by the Organisers of the Earth day Uganda 2018 as a post Activity for the celebrations |