Endangered species- Habitat Restoration processes and ways to keep them in existenceby Alesandra Ibobo | 19-05-2018 12:39 |
Hi friends, Moving on from the impacts of humans/ contribution to animal and plant species being endangered, I was thinking ways we could protect these species and restore them back to their normal wildlife. These animals are going through all sort of harshness/cruelty from humans who sort only their gains regardless of how their activities can endanger not just animal life also human life.... I compiled a couple of these processes which can be done to restore the wildlife and plant. Encourage healthy and clean water supply: this can be achieved when we avoid putting chemicals into our water bodies or on plants. Most aquatic animals need clean water to survive and procreate, harmful chemicals damages the eggs of these animals and stops them from forming. Create awareness in your local community: The largest community in Africa is the family, studies have shown this. So, start with educating members of the family especially younger and older ones the importance of protecting/ helping these endangered species, teach them about domestic pets to wild animals, distinctive features and characteristics and most importantly, teach them to care for all of them respectively. Take note of industrial companies who are directly or indirectly responsible for endangering species. Companies that produces items like plastic, chemicals, virgin paper which pollutes our environment and causes harm to plants and animals should not be patronized. If we do, we are also indirectly pledging our support to their activities and its impacts on our environment. Do not participate in activities that endangers wildlife such as hunting, shooting, trapping amongst locals in the community. These activities are posed as leisure ( honestly, there's nothing leisure about killing innocent animals), we should seek towards protecting it not aiming at it. Report any cases of animal cruelty to the local authorities, immediately you see one. Recycle products used or not in use. Try as much as possible to reuse items for other purposes aside its initial purpose. Replace leather furniture and art works made from animal skin like tigers, elephant tusk, horns etc with recyclable arts from paper, plastics, broken wall clocks, metals. When we have these in mind, we would soon realise how much useful things we could create out of waste, and how much talents we have inside if us Participate in protecting wildlife habitat and restore damaged ones. Wildlife is most threatened by habitat destruction due to oil spillage, logging, Bush burning, development, gas flaring and overgrazing. We should try to restore these animal specie by planting trees around us and support tree planting initiatives by government, stakeholders and other individuals. Animals use trees as homes, different sizes and class of animals stays on the tree trunks, branches and make holes in and underneath the ground close to trees. Some carry their homes to the tree and make those trees their permanent homes. All big trees were once small, so start by planting small trees and watch them grow, encourage your younger ones to plant trees as well and develop much love for the environment.