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by Alesandra Ibobo | 10-05-2018 10:28

An endangered species is a species  which has been categorized as very likely to become extinct. When a specie is classified as endangered government and international organization can work to protect it. Laws may limit hunting, destruction and organization that break these laws may face huge fines.

International Laws protecting the endangered species

The Endangered Species Act ESA passed in 1973 was enacted to halt the rapid loss of plant and animals life. Frequently referred to as the crown jewel of a nation's environmental laws, the ESA act (Endangered species Act) has been responsible for saving many species formally in the brink of extinction including the bald Eagle, grey wolf and California sea otter.

ESA ensures that endangered species will be protected and assist in its recovery, this law was signed by president Nixon. The US State of Louisiana in 1970 estimated the number of brown pelican in the world at 10,000 which classified it as vulnerable. During the 1970s and 1980s government and conservation group worked to help the brown pelican recover, young chicks were reared in hatching sites then released into the wild. Human access to the nesting sites was severely restricted, Pesticides DDT which damaged the eggs of the Brown pelican was banned.

The Eagle Protection Act

Bald Eagle Protection began in 1940 with the passage of Eagle Protection act later amended to include the Golden Eagle. The act makes it unlawful to import, export, take or sell, purchase or barter any Bald Eagle or Golden Eagle. Scientists may be granted exhibit for traditional or cultural use. Violation may result to fine of up to $250,000-$500,000 for individuals. 

In 1992 the united states passed the wild bird conservation Act by October 1993, the law prohibit the import of some bird almost 1,000 species. In addition, it established a moratorium on trade to any non city species. It also establishes an Exotic bird conservation funded by penalties fines. The fund is to be used to assist Exotic bird conservation. Criminal violation of this Act is conviction or be fined or imprisoned.