Protecting Endangered Species a measure for continuity and sustainable futureby Alesandra Ibobo | 10-05-2018 11:49 |
![]() Have you heard the popular quote "No man's an island?" Like humans, animals could not live by itself it has to interact with the other organisms as well as its environment to survive. Healthy Ecosystems depends on plants and animal species as their foundation. When species become endangered, it is a sign that the Ecosystem is falling about. Without healthy forests, grassland, rivers, oceans and other ecosystem we will not have clean water, land etc. If we allow our environment to be contaminated we risk our own health not just that of animals. One lost plant species can lead to the loss of 30 other insects, plants and animals. According to the US fish and Wildlife service. These species are called kegstin species, if it is removed the whole ecosystem will be changed drastically. However many animals may be nearing extinction without our knowledge these animals contains thousands of important compounds that could lasten the human lifespan these animals have medicinal uses as shown below
Agriculture also plays an important role in the protection of species, farmers are often as original conservationist. They set aside the land as wildlife habitats and also work in partnership with groups such as Trout unlimited to restore stream river habitats for endangered fish and reptiles. Wide species of plants can be a source of vita genes to improve crops that are grown today among those genes that scientists splice from the DNA of plants are pests of diseases resistance, salt tolerants and drought resistance. These properties can help counter the effect of global climate change. People also have had a reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable and nutritious food from these plants Leaving out a legacy for the next generation is a desirable value. We would like our children also to enjoy the benefits that could be gained from recreational values. American tourism industry depends on plant and animal species and other ecosystem for their multi billion dollar, job intensive industry. The preservation of our nations biological diversity is an immensely important face to our generation.