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by Godfred Owusu | 15-06-2023 01:16

A greenhouse is an air-tight glass building that is used extensively by commercial plant growers, gardeners and botanists to grow plants which otherwise would not survive cold weather. Greenhouse buildings are usually used in the countries with cooler climates. 

The greenhouse effect is the mechanism through which heat radiation from the earth's surface is reabsorbed and redirected in all directions by greenhouse gases. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ozone are some of the principal greenhouse gases. Because most of these gases are poor absorbers of solar radiation, much of the solar energy passes through the earth's atmosphere, warming the earth's surface. On the other hand, a part of the emitted energy is absorbed by these gases and redirected to the earth's surface, further warming the atmosphere. This is known as the greenhouse effect. A greenhouse has various advantages. We are cultivating a variety of crops in an artificial atmosphere using this greenhouse advantage. In addition, solar powered water heaters employ the greenhouse effect to warm up water, saving 20-30% of household energy expenses. 

The greenhouse effect is influenced by five key greenhouse gases. They are as follows: 

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) 

CH4 (methane) 

N2O (Nitrous Oxide) 

The element ozone (O3) 

H2O (water vapor)

Below are some of the advantages of greenhouse effect: 

The greenhouse effect serves to keep the Earth's surface at a constant temperature, making it live able for living species (humans, animals, plants, and other things). The world is warm enough to support life thanks to greenhouse gases. Otherwise, the heat would have escaped into the atmosphere, cooling the earth's surface significantly. 

Greenhouse gases aid in preventing damaging solar radiation from reaching the planet's surface. These gases act as filters, returning most of the unneeded and harmful energy into space. 

One of the most important greenhouse gases, ozone, absorbs the sun's damaging ultraviolet (UV) radiation. If there was no Ozone layer in our atmosphere, UV radiation would reach the surface directly and have a tremendous impact on life on Earth. 

The greenhouse effect has helped the planet to keep its surface water level constant. Because of the planet's mild temperature, the ice has not entirely melted, and the polar ice caps are limited to the planet's polar regions. 

These reasons explain why greenhouse gases are crucial to our world. For millennia, the greenhouse effect has helped the earth maintain a perfect balance between absorbed and reflected energy. Unfortunately, the increased usage of fossil fuels in recent years has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere, producing more infrared energy absorption. This is what warms up the planet's surface, generating an environmental abnormality known as "global warming." 


The increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in our atmosphere is obvious, and we have already witnessed some major changes in the climate because of the greenhouse effect. Some of the greenhouse effect's drawbacks are obvious: 

Global Warming 

As previously stated, the growing number of greenhouse gases is causing a steady rise in the earth's temperature. As a result, the ice in the Polar Regions has begun to melt, causing huge climate changes. Global warming would also affect the weather pattern. Rainfall would become erratic in many parts of the world. This might eventually lead to desertification. 

 Marine life:

Many forms of marine life would be adversely affected if alkalinity increased. Polar ecosystems would be destroyed. In the Arctic, melting polar caps are threatening the habitats of polar bears and penguins. 

Increased CO2 concentration:  

The concentration of CO2, one of the most frequent greenhouse gases, is not only hurting marine life but also altering plant photosynthesis.

Impact on human and economic life:

The impact on human and economic life would be enormous. It is projected that rising temperatures would lower world production by 2 to 3%. This would cost billions of dollars. As agricultural productivity suffers, there may be more famines and famine-related illnesses. 


In conclusion: 

The overall impact of rising greenhouse gas emissions on climate and human life would be terrible. As a result, the international community must wake up now, before it is too late.