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(March's Free Topic) Songkran or Water?

by Rock Lee | 29-04-2018 15:30

Songkran or Water?

Hi guys! Did any of you come to Thailand for vacation or Songkran? Songkran is the Thai New Year?s national holiday that is very important for Thai people. The holiday is celebrated from every April 13 to 15 and people go back to their hometowns to meet their parents and families. Also, Songkran is famous for their water fights. During the holiday, major streets are closed and used for water-fighting arenas. Everyone foreigners, local people, elderly come out and splash water to each other so when you walk in the street you should always be careful for water splashing and water guns.  But, don?t be angry if they do it to you. In Thailand, it is a blessing for you.

Songkran has always been a exciting holiday and one of the holidays people love, however, due to this festival Thailand is having a hard time. Water shortage. Since 1994, water levels in the country?s biggest dams are the lowest. They are also facing drought in 14 of 77 provinces and 31 provinces in risk. Since 2016, the government has been using 23 billion baht to help farmers to love droughts and they are in lots of projects such as rain-purifying, reducing water usage etc.

However I think personally that Thailand should make laws and plans for water being used in Songkran festival. Even though Songkran might be a important holiday for Thailand, should they leave from people wasting water? How about making a law that says in Songkran shops that sell water can only sell to ?how much? and make a limit. It?ll definitely make a difference. Thanks for reading my article and tell me any thoughts you have!