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Saving tree and reducing the use of Paper

by Lalit bc | 30-04-2018 23:33

As we know that every years a lot of trees are cut down in the name of development, construction and to use in different purposes. And we also know the fact that the re-plantation, afforestation is so less due to reason that we have limited land, we don't have time to think and act about the environment, population is increasing so rapidly or may be any reason but fact is the population of trees or forest density is decreasing.

According to the report more than 2 billions books are published and about 350 millions of magazine, 24 billions newspaper are published in America only in a year that means average of 350 kg paper is used by a single person in America.

According to data of 2016, china is the largest country to produce paper of about 108.6 mt followed by united state 71.8 mt per year.

We don't have the exact state but it is said that "one ton of recycled paper saves about the 17 trees"{ Report of congress in 1970s] 

We have the only two option for saving of tree; either to reduce the use or to compensate with replanting. But we have a lot of solutions for the reducing of paper use. For saving trees the concept of wildlife reserve  and protected forest area is come forth and still going on these are the best idea to  stop reducing of the forest area and saving of trees.

In recent years, concept of Agro-forestry, silvipasture, community forest etc come and playing the good role in the protection of trees and maintaining the ecosystem.

These are the some ideas of reducing the paper use:-

1. Use of recycle paper is one of the way to reduce the paper use because reduce, reuse and recycle is the three way to minimize everything. 

2. Use of bills, newspaper and other magazines online is the best way to reduce the paper use. In the world of globalization we are still using the paper which can be done in web.

3. Reuse of one sided paper in the work.

4. Use of electronic storage or internet storage rather than paper storage.

5. Buying recycle paper is a method to reduce the paper use.

6. Use of newspaper as bags[ some district of Nepal there are some groups who collect all the used newspaper from locality and convert them into small bags and are sold in local market that help in reuse of paper and reduce the plastic bag use.]

7. Use of old cloths instead of paper napkins in the house. Try not to use the paper plates etc.

 There are a lots things we can do to reduce the paper use i've listed some above.

At last i want to say that Think before you act.

[ note: I know this reported was supposed to be submitted before 20th but i just received the mail about the topic today due to some problems, so i want to say sorry for this]

From, Nepal