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by Yves SHEMA | 24-04-2018 18:40

                            SAVE PAPERS, SAVE TREES TO SAVE THE                                                           W0RLD                                  

Chapter 2: Save the World

Imagine if all the years you have lived on Earth, everything you have seen, everything you have touched and everything you have heard was dreams and you just woke up yesterday; what you would be happy for, today! My relationship have really broken my heart, I wish I was dreaming. I failed my studies, I wish I was dreaming. My parents did not understand me well on this and that, I wish I was dreaming. My girl/boyfriend broke-up with me, I wish I was dreaming. Someone I really love passed away, I wish I was dreaming?.and so forth. There are plenty of bad things, events and words that you have seen, participated and heard and we always you  wish that if it was dreams, today you should be showing a clear smile of happiness. It is normal for human kind and that what make us different to other living organism, we highly note all those bad staffs because they help us know where we are heading, mostly they happen to us, even though they never been in our plans. Think smart, do you remember my lovely Hongwala? Do not be much selfish thinking on only your side, look far more for our future young generation. If I woke up yesterday, I would be happy, enjoying the Green-blue Planet (our World/Earth).

In fact, manmade activities are changing our Green-Blue planet (Earth) to other mixed color that are even hard to identify. By predicting, I may say; if nothing further done the Green-Blue color will turn into black-dusty color.

Industries are mostly a proof of a developed country, through industries, a human kind was able to invent cars and motorcycles that facilitate our transports, Airplanes that make us travel where we could not reach easily without flying.  But we use to forget that they emit carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere when they are performing their work. The C02 emitted by these industries and transport facilitators is accumulated in the atmosphere, and it react with the ozone layer (layer of 03 that prevent the Ultraviolet rays to reach our skin directly which can further cause us skin cancer and those rays are very hot they can heat our word and make a change in climatic seasons. Do you remember the summer in Swata jungle? If not please consult (,%20save%20trees%20to%20save%20the%20world&pageNumber=1)

That increase in World temperature is what we call GLOBAL WARMING. The first time I said the same thing about the contribution of industries in World death, I remember after my presentation one of the audience asked me, ?why don?t we get that cancer hence my country is full of industries, vehicles..etc.. He was an American. It was a good question really, and his appearance was health may be he was skin cancer free. But I simply replied ?my dear Josh, you are very lucky trees saved you?. He did not understand by that time but as I went through explanation he was very happy to know how he should treat his savior. Perhaps you are not also getting the meaning like Josh, but trust me, you are in a good place and this is the right time to know what about your Hidden savior. All you have to do is to remove any disturbance around you, be attentive like Josh you will understand how.

Therefore, I want you to know how trees balance the carbon on Earth to save you. The series of processes by which carbon compounds are inter-converted in the environment, involving the incorporation of CO2 into living tissue by photosynthesis and it returns to the atmosphere through respiration, the decay of dead organism and burning of fossil fuels is what we call CARBON CYCLE. Does it come more scientific? Do not worry; am going to chew it for you.


Firstly, you have to keep in mind that all living things are made of Carbon (C). Carbon is also a part of the Ocean, air and Rocks. Because Earth is a dynamic place, carbon does not stay still. It is on the move! In the atmosphere, carbon is attached to some oxygen in a gaseous form called carbon dioxide (CO2). Plants especially trees, use that carbon dioxide and sunlight to make their own food and grow in a process called Photosynthesis. That is how C becomes part of the trees. Trees that die and are buried may return into fossil fuels made of carbon like coal and oil over millions of years. When human burn fossil fuels; most of the carbon quickly enters the atmosphere as CO2.

 CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere. Without it and other greenhouse gases in, Earth would be frozen. However, humans have burned so much fuel that there is about 30% more CO2 in the air today than there was about 150 years ago; and Earth is becoming warmer place. In fact, ice cores show us that there is now more CO2 in the atmosphere than there has been in the last 420 000 years. (Kids? crossing, Cycle of the Earth-

Now we are back the cause of global warming I mentioned before which is the increase in population. The more population increase, the more a place to live in become scarce. In addition, humans tend to clear forests and to construct apartments. But remember with photosynthesis trees helps us to regulate CO2. Then what you think will happen if we continue to increase in number? Exactly the Green color that was from the plant will be lost and we stay with only the darkish one of CO2, the World will be warmer and of course, Josh will suffer cancer. You will see on the diagram I provided below, it is significant that trees save us.

Back to the Imagination, I want to tell you this and always remember that, ?There is always a way?, yes, bad things have happened to you, but why are you forgetting that good things have happen too? Can you stand and make a wish that may GOD make them dreams too? I bet you cannot. There are plenty of things that you have to be happy for; and if you did not notice good events in your life, never be afraid; praise God you still alive and good things are going to come, you better accept them. That is why also I cannot say; due to the high contribution of industries in World?s death, we should destroy them. No No No No, I will be forgetting that they make the under-wear am having, soaps I need every day and pills that saved me from pain last week. As we have seen in carbon cycle trees are the very best tool to reduce those effects cause by abundant CO2. Which means; to save the world we need to be aware of saving trees. Then how to save trees? Ooh no come on am still the one, did you forget me? I say strongest staff in the next chapter my dear, do not miss it out. Let us meet again in chapter 3, shall we?


CHAPTER 3:  CoMiNg sOoN??.