Forest Conservation Background Insightsby Ishimwe Eric Josue | 21-04-2018 19:20 |
![]() Nowadays there is an over-exploitation of trees. Forests have been invaded by business men. This invasion can bring trees and forest to the exit in some decades to come. Thou we can't stop exploiting forests as its products play an important role in our daily life, but we should reduce the rate to which this issue is being spread. When we work to address this issue we have to dig as well as other issues that can be raised from deforestation including; Carbon dioxide emission and desertification which in turn contribute to the increase of global warming and its associated effects. Different environment watching institutions such as UNEP, they announced the overheating of the planet which is rapidly increasing. Some of the facts given are the 1960s the highest global warming period in the world?s history. The main source of this global warming was found to be greenhouse gas emissions which include anthropogenic causes. Two of three of the anthropogenic causes including, deforestation and land use was reported to be Carbon dioxide which also reported to be third of fourth of total greenhouse emissions. In 1989 UNEP was the first institution to announce the 20 limit of temperature to address the increase in global warming. Well, I?m not going in deep of this concept of global warming but I was trying to give some insights on the main source of forests conservation policies. From that policy of limiting global warming to 2 degree, there comes a concept of deep decarbonization. Some of the policies to achieve deep decarbonization include reforestation, as well as afforestation. After the oceans which reported to be the main absorber of greenhouse gases it is followed by forests. It is therefore very important to take into consideration this issue of forests. When combining the above policy of afforestation and reforestation with climate mitigation policies including bottom up technology can highly contribute to forest conservation. For example, since what we call academic education emerge, individuals, business bodies, private and public institutions were all highly paper dependents. Today we're jumping into 4th industrial revolution where mainly all individuals, business bodies, private and public institutions will highly depends on technology or digitalization. This fourth industrial revolution really promises the reduction in forest exploitation including paper products. By closing, we need to understand global warming concept and how it is aligned with forests conservation. Also we should take advantage over this fourth industrial revolution to address global warming and deforestation issues. |