SaVe paPers, SavE trEEs to saVe tHe wORldby Yves SHEMA | 16-04-2018 00:03 |
![]() SAVE PAPERS, SAVE TREES TO SAVE THE WORLD Chapter 1: Think smart Once upon a time, a lion named Hogwala, the King of Swata jungle had a serious incident in his JUNGLE KINGDOM. Hongwala was a leader of about 2 millions of animals; His population comprised with terrestrial animals and aquatics ones. Oops! I cannot forget birds. He has such a big society to rule. In the history of Swatans (Swatans =animals that lived in swata jungle), they was no clever King like Hongwala. In the morning all families had to meet at the Swata Lake to have a breakfast with the king. After that He addresses them a work of the day. They all meet again there for super with reports of how was the day. He loved his Swatans for sure. Ooh let me keep this short and jump to the incident where I want you and of course you, do not look around I mean just you who is reading this to pick up a your lesson. After 6 years Hogwala leading, the Swata jungle had a very prolonged summer; this was because the tourists used to cut many trees to build their temporal houses for their vacation. But I do not want to go far with the causes; I need you to see how Hogwala was smart. The Swata Lake was the only source of water for Swatans and due the higher raising of temperature in the summer, the evaporation of the lake was very high and water level decreased very significantly. He realized that if the summer will last a little longer; they will have no water even for killing their thirsty. But Hongwala never stopped thinking how he must handle the issue. He dug a big hole in the mountain -60m from the Lake- and He oriented that hole to the Lake by making a link of small tunnel. He putted grasses and some tree blanches. The next day, ?whoever needs to urinate, must do it in that hole in the mountain except the aquatic animals? His Majesty Hogwala instructing Swatans after the breakfast. He knew that the grasses and tree branches will help in the filtration of urine, and some dangerous gases will be lost through the passage, so he will get the little liquid back in Lake containing the high amount of water (H2O). That is how he re-used the Swatans body water to balance and minimize the deforestation impacts that have brought in Swata jungle by those tourists. How is this linked to the lesson you promised me to get? Unfortunately I did not promise you anything; I just said think smart by the sub-title, by the way here is my first promise to you, ?keep reading; we are about to get started?. But at least, from now think smart like Hongwala. In any crisis think first of re-use or recycling of the rare thing you are losing. Did you catch the first lesson know? I bet your answer is a screaming yes. Therefore, have you ever realized that the world of today is full of climate change? If you do not see that, then you are not aware of anything, may be you do not even care of anything, so please wake up. It is true that climate is changing from good to worse. There are many causes but mostly, the man made activities play a big role in these changes. If we stand and only look, we will end up having prolonged summer everywhere. But the Good news is that with Hongwala?s mind we will have to solve the issue. Industries, motorcycles and vehicles, increase in world population, Infrastructures, usage of charcoals and wars are the good examples of man activities that are killing our planet slowly. They can all lead to global warming. How? Ooh you really want to know how? Nooo come on, you know me; I say strongest staff in the next chapter always. Do not miss it. I will explain everything that you will need to know. And how is this linked to SAVE PAPERS, SAVE TREES TO SAVE THE WORLD? Do not be confused my dear, there are more chapters to come. But for your curiosity keep in mind that deforestation is the most dangerous thing that can make our world burning like a hell in short period of time. Do you remember the real cause of prolonged summer in Swata jungle? I hope you do. Take a little break, think of what you were reading. I know if you are thinking smart you already got some ideas on how we are going to save our planet through paper saving, don?t you? If you are a leader, and you are reading this, please think smart like Hongwala and if you have a chance of having such smart leader then be a Swatan (learn to obey). Let us meet again in chapter 2, shall we? CHAPTER 2... ComiNG sOoN |