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TREE IS LIFE (Benefits of trees)

by Alesandra Ibobo | 11-04-2018 20:29

Every tree is useful in its original form, regardless of how promising, financially cutting down trees may seem. Trees are life in all its form either by protecting humans physically or producing curatives, housing for animals, insects and birds, source of food and living for mankind and animals as well. We can't do without having them here on earth.
Here are a few benefits of trees that would make you reconsider cutting down trees.

Trees are crucial factors to our existence and it serves an important role in carbon cycle.

Without trees humans would not be able to survive because the air would not be suitable for breathing.

Trees holds the water and does not allow excessive water pass through the soil to avoid flooding.

Trees provides food for man.

Trees provides home for birds and other animals among and beneath the ground , on there branches and within loose barks.

It also provides shades and redu ces heat caused by infrastructures and development. It shades us from the sun's ultra viotet rays which causes skin cancer and from the rain.

Trees also filters water naturally and uses it to recharge groundwater supply.

Trees provides cold and humidity atmosphere required for rain.

Trees beautifies our environment, they can be used for fencing, examples are Arborvitae trees, blue spruce, mongolias, trav ellers palm, Eucalyptus, oak trees and sycamore tree.

No two trees are alike, they are majestic.

Trees help record the family number as they grow and develop alongside with your kids.

Trees are herbs for spices and also medicines that cures sickness like the moringa, Cinnamon tree, Birch tree and dogwood.

Literally, trees keeps us alive as they filter the air we breathe by removing dust particles and other harmful substances and later on washed away by rain.

Indeed tree is life.