Consequences of Poor irrigation system at RWASAVE SWAMP {N◦2}by Yves SHEMA | 29-03-2018 17:59 |
Consequences of Poor irrigation system at RWASAVE SWAMP {N◦2} For simple back review remember that ? Rwasave swamp is found approximately 2.5km from Huye town, the second largest town in Rwanda, and it is about 132km south of the capital city of KIGALI?, where I have been conducting my research. Do you still remember the case I talked about at RWASAVE Swamp? I hope yes, if not please check my previous report on: (it is a good summary, you will get an over view if you have missed to read it, this is to favor you not being bored by this second part of my research.) if you are done reading on the above link then you are familiar with the case, welcome on CONSEQUENCES OF POOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM AT RWASAVE SWAMP number 2. This report will emphasize mostly on the last two objectives of my research, with are:
I did not change my methodology but I have done a deep literature review to which I have found the strong solution read attentively do you will get me well in the conclusion. Irrigation system is this activity of supplying (land) with water by means of artificial canals, ditches, etc to promote the growth of food crops (example: Rice).
Are you wondering how comes Rwasave being narrower? Or how all this above is linked to the poor irrigation system at Rwasave swamp? If yes, trust me, you are very carious like me when I was on the field and I love that because your curiosity will end by the next paragraph. Because the Rwasave rice farmer have a problem of watering as mentioned previously, they try to cultivate very near the River so that they can easily get water from the river. Of course when they are cultivating, they disturb the soil above the river and suddenly when rain comes it get easily fallen in the River. Am afraid if nothing done by the Government the farmers will not stop approaching the River. I hope you understand now how the poor irrigation system at Rwasave swamp is causing the decline of some small aquatic animals in Rwasave River. There are many irrigation systems that may be used at Rwasave to solve this issue, for example:
Am going to describe only one system that I recommend HUYE DISTRICT to apply on the Rwasave swamp and I will share you the description of all above systems in the next report, don?t miss it. THE GREAT IRRIGATION SYSTEM I FOUND TO BE A BETTER SOLUTION ON RWASAVE SWAMP. Call this a complex irrigation system, it complex because it is composed by more than on system. I chose this complex irrigation system due to that the Rwasave swamp is near the Rwasave River which can be easily get used in the system. And again this system is built very systematically so that with is you can never miss water in field anymore. This complex irrigation system consists:
All this parts are shown in figure 1.0 The main pumping station directs water from the source of supply, such as a reservoir or a river, into the irrigation system. The conveyance system assures the transport of water from the main intake structure or main pumping station up to the field ditches. The distribution system assures the transport of water through field ditches to the irrigated fields. The field application system assures the transport of water within the fields. The drainage system removes the excess water (caused by rainfall and/or irrigation) from the fields. Conclusion and recommendation By conclusion I can clearly say that in Rwanda we have a big problem in irrigation especially at Rwasave to which I conducted my research, but also through all the content I provided in this two reports on CONSEQUENCES OF POOR IRRIGATION AT RWASAVE SWAMP you can see that it can be solved with a help of all parties (here I mean the international organization dealing with environmental awareness, the government of Rwanda and the local people at Rwasave. The one and only recommendation I want to offer HUYE DISTRICT is to find any mean as leaders to make the described complex irrigation system to handle the problem forever. THANK YOU FOR YOU CONCERN! |