WATER AND WETLANDSby Bwalya Bwalya | 20-03-2018 18:04 |
Wetlands include all lakes, rivers, underground aquifers, swamps, marshes,wet grasslands but to mention afew. In order for humans to survive, they need the existence of wetlands. This is so because wetlands are amongst the world's most productive environments. That is provision of water as well as productivity upon which numerous species of plants and animals are dependant for survival. So many benefits are derived from wetlands and these range from freshwater supply, food and construction materials, biodiversity to flood control, ground water recharge as well as climate mitigation. It is then sad to note that wetland area and quality continue to decline in most regions of the world and as a result, the ecosystem services that they provide to humans are compromised. There is a link between water and wetlands and this is because wetlands are water absorbers. When rain water moves slowly throughout the water systems, wetlands absorb them. And also when it heavily rains, wetlands make sure that water is prevented from filling up or causing floods. Another importance of wetlands is that they act as water cleaners. They clean pollution like nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus as well as suspended solids. Asides this, they also remove some metals that enter through surface flow. Furthermore, wetlands are the main controllers for climate change. By means of the process of evapotranspiration, wetlands return water to the atmosphere and also control extreme temperature in adjacent uplands by cooling them as the wind passes through. Wetlands provide home for immense varieties of species of native birds, amphibians, fish and many other animals. This kind of habitat provides food for humans as well as other animals. In addition, wetlands beautify areas as well as provide recreational functions such as fishing, canoeing and bird watching. The existence or introduction of industries as well as manufacturing companies is a major threat to wetlands. This is because the amount of water that is taken from nature's underground aquifer is far outstripping its ability to replenish itself. As a result, the water levels drop. This also has a direct impact on plants as well as tress as they are deprived of their life-sustaining supplies. Invasive allien species too disturb the natural balance of an ecosystem. This is because they usually out compete with the native species living in wetlands often displacing them. Urbanization is yet another major cause of water pollution. This is because the more people move in search of better living, the more pollution they cause. There is physical disturbance of land due to the construction of houses, roads as well as industries. Clearing of land for construction purposes robs the soil of its nutrients and makes it prone to soil erosion. This can result into the murkiness of the water which can cause the blocking of the grills of fish, an increase in disease as bacteria and viruses use the soil particles as method of transpiration. Destruction of wetlands not only destroys the habitat for numerous species, removes the natural filters capable of storing and degrading many pollutants but also destroys natural dams and causes flooding further downstream. One thing we must keep in mind is that in order to conserve wetlands or water, we ought to jealously guard and work with what we have. Many degrade the quantity and quality of wetlands out of ignorance. This calls for the introduction of environmental television and radio programs, competitions and seminars. Asides this, more environmental laws must be created and environmental law breakers punished so as to ensure that others learn from them. No one must be left without environmental knowledge. Therefore, environmental material should also be published in brail as well as local languages too so that even the most illetrate in society have access to environmental material. People need to be conscious about the threats to wetlands, their importance as well as the consequences that come as a result of poor management of these. Once people protect wetlands and their surrounding uplands from potential threats, the wetlands will take care of itself and provide a range of beneficial functions. |