FEWA MUN 2018by Prakriti Dhakal | 12-03-2018 18:04 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() FEWA MUN-2018 (DAY 1) Fewa MUN - 2018 has triggered off here at Hotel Legancy with more than fifty youths of beautiful city Pokhara dated on 16th February, 2018.We were all together 15 organizing teams for delegates affairs and logistic and fooding. After the Opening Ceremony the DISEC committee which is being chaired by Mr Nimesh Babu Oli; a well experienced IT student; entered into the formal sessions with the agenda of the committee; Cyber Security and Protection Against Cyber Warfare. The committee session started after the brief introduction of Dias members. ROPs were revised by the Co-chair Ms. Jyoti Karki and the committee started with Roll Call. The DISEC committee had more Fresher's who were newly introduced to MUN culture; even though we Dias were impressed of theirs level of debate. The committee was opened if there were any motions on the floor. Delegate of Philippines raised a motion to start General Speakers List. The motion clearly passed. After few speakers; the committee was there for any more motions on the floor. Delegate of Algeria raised a motion for moderate caucus on the topic "Obstacles and solution for cyber security for whole world" for the time period of 20 minutes each speaker getting 25 seconds. Each and every countries of the committee were providing the obstacles for the cyber security and appropriate solutions for these burning problems. There was an unmoderated caucus for about 20 minutes as a strategic time out so as to come up with fruitful motions. After the Unmoderated Caucus the committee session was there with a turning point. There were lots of motions for moderate caucus. In the meantime, the motion of Syria was passed. The motion raised was, ?Cyber Crime as Global Threat" for the time period of 20 minutes each speaker getting 39 seconds. Under the moderate caucus Syria stated that the account of President of Syria was hacked. Canada stated that the transparency of nation has been warned by the present cyber security. Also Russia put forward the case of bank hacking in 2017 and loss of 1 million dollar. The delegate of Vietnam urges China to help it in the process of cyber security. Each and every delegate was aware about the probable outbreak of III rd world war that may occur due to the cyber crime. The committee was there for a launch break for about 30 minutes. The delegates were discussing about the probable motions that could be raised in the moderated caucus.
Next motion of Moderate Caucus was raised by the delegate of South Korea stating, "Formulation and Implementation of various Law Against Cyber Crime.? with the time period of 20 minutes each speaker getting 60 seconds. The motion was there for voting and got clear majority. The delegate of Turkey put forward that the cyber threat on cyber space and economy due to illegal activities regarding block chain and crypto currency transactions was to be discussed in the committee. The delegate of Saudi Arabia was focusing for maintaining peace through global policies as it is going through various threat in mineral oil companies. The forth motion that was discussed for the moderated caucus was "Removal of prohibition on software import and export raised by delegate of Syria. USA threatened Syria that those were the matter of national security and sovereignty and USA wouldn?t let any steps to let its citizen down. Iran was in support of Syria and Philippines were in support of USA. An entertainment session was there with confession games. Most of the confessions were for our beautiful Co-chair; Ms, Jyoti Karki. There was also a session for positive thinking that was really awesome. It was for 20 minutes. The committee was launched by the guest speaker. The session was fruitful due to the various examples that were put forward.
At the last of the Day 1 the dias members provide some points that were supposed to be discussed the next day. They were;
In this way, the first day of FEWA MUN-2018 came to an end.
FEWA MUN-2018 (DAY 2) The second day of FEWA-MUN-2018 has turned to be an embracing moment that has been one of the most fruitful MUN experience ever. Early after the breakfast; the committee session was begun with the Roll Call. There was a first motion related to crypto-currency and bit coins. The delegate of Syria put forward the motion on moderated caucus stating, "Establishment of Cyber Task Force working under UN" for the time period of 20 minutes each speaker getting 38 seconds. The motion passes clearly and the delegates put their name on Speaker's List.
Delegate of Iran focused upon how the UN body works and stresses for further discussion. Delegate of USA lay stress upon the concrete plan and policies and also mentioned that USA would be ready to provide any sorts of help required; economically and technically. Delegate of Saudi Arabia the committee about Power Division. The delegate put forward that the developed countries should not dominate upon developing and under-developed countries as it is a global issues and no any countries are left untouched. The delegate of Philippines put forward that the task force should include issues like pornography; crypto currency and all issues of cyber space. The delegate of Syria laid emphasis on developed countries like USA, Israel, Russia, etc to be in collaboration to form monitoring group. The delegate of Philippines warned the committee to focus on the point that is it necessary to form task force or not? Most of the countries were positive towards it and the formation process and structure will be briefly discussed on Resolution Paper. After the fruitful discussion Dias members suggest for unmoderated Caucus for about 10 minutes and have discussion with working paper.
The committee session start with next moderate caucus. The motion was put forward by delegate of North Korea stating, "How the use of Crypto Currency and bit coins encourages cyber terrorism" for 10 minutes each speaker getting 40 seconds. The delegate of Philippines stated important statement mentioning that Crypto Currency could be future of economy of the world. Delegate of Russia stated that bit coins should not be easy way for cyber crime. The delegate of Algeria put forward one of the biggest consequences that may arises in developing country like Algeria. The delegate put forward that only 27.8% of people use internet and they do have no idea regarding crypto currency and bit coins. The delegate emphasizes on increasing awareness to the people of developing countries. The delegate of North Korea urges every nation whether to legalize crypto currency or not. Israel was in favor and emphasizes that the trade would be easier and it is boon to human beings.
The committee wouldn't be such fruitful if we hadn't Aashish Joshi, Co-founder of YTS- Pokhara as our resource speaker. The delegate of Philippines had put a statement for his speech. Joshi put forward his statements that bit coins were first technology for block chain. He put forward that Satoshi Nakamoto has brought the concept of bit coins. Joshi attempted to solve the curiosity of delegates of Philippines, USA, France, UK, North Korea and other countries too.
The committee was there for a launch break for about 30 minutes. The delegates were busy with the draft resolution and block formation during the launch break too. After the launch break the committee was devoted for the solutions of the cyber warfare. The Dias asked if there were any motion on the floor. The delegate of Turkey put forward a motion for moderated caucus on the topic, "Solutions of Cyber Security." for time period of 20 minutes each speaker getting 60 seconds. The committee went for voting process and passed motion with majority.
All the delegates present the solutions of cyber security. The delegate of Algeria recommended every member nations to include education related to cyber security in school and universities so as to ensure a cyber-security educated society. The delegate of Saudi Arabia encouraged the establishment of Cyber Task Force with collaborations with GGE under the UN that acts against cyber-crime happening in the whole world. The delegate of Syria enlightened the committee formation process as, "Cyber Task Force with 5 countries consisting 2 countries from voting process, 2 directly appointed from the UN secretariat such that no country will be in the committee for consecutive 2 tenures and one victim country and the committee will be changed every 2 years"
Also the delegate of Philippines requested all the member counties to handover cyber weapons which pose a global threat to the United Nations. Also delegate of Israel recommended the development of a globally accepted crypto-currency under an organization solely formed to validate its transaction and also the taxation of the crypto currency as per the economic status of the country. The delegate of North Korea reminded those countries that legalize crypto currency; that they need to have a central governing body in that particular country which should be accountable until crypto currency is legalized globally. The solutions purposed by delegate of China were awesome. The delegate encouraged the member countries to reject the cold war mentality zero sum games and double standards uphold peace through cooperative and sick one's own security through common security on the basis of full respect for other country's security.
The committee was forwarding towards draft resolutions formation process. There were two blocks. The unmoderated caucus of 20 minutes was passed to prepare the draft resolution. After the unmoderated caucus the Dias asked for any more motions on floor. The delegate of Syria raised the motion to present the draft resolution. The draft resolution was presented by the both blocks. The Dias members founds that both the draft resolutions were similar except few points. So Dias suggested merging both resolutions and presenting only one draft resolution within the time frame of 20 minutes. Also, Dias suggested delegates to deal with diplomacy and had negotiations with each other.
Finally, there was a single resolution with sponsors as Syria, North Korea, Philippines, Vietnam and United Kingdom. The signatories were Saudi Arabia, USA, Israel, etc. The sponsors presented the draft resolutions. The Dias members asked for any amendments and questions for discussions. There were not any amendments to be made. The draft resolutions were presented for voting. Among 23 countries of committee, the draft resolutions passed with two-third majority. USA voted for "no with right" and mentioned that some points were offensive for its national concern. In this way, the resolution was passed and the committed was suspended thereafter.
The DISEC committee came up with fruitful conclusions. The resolution covers all the solutions that were discussed during moderated caucus addressing the problems, consequences, and impacts of cyber security and cyber warfare.
Experiences of delegates.
Here I would like to present the experience of few delegates from the DISEC committee regarding FEWA MUN-2018 The delegate of SYRIA Mr.Sugam Mahat stated that, ?FEWA MUN 2018 was one of the best experiences of my life. MUN is an all-rounder platform that develops our debating skills as well as our diplomatic skills and FEWA MUN is the best example. It taught us not only how to debate but also greatly enhanced our diplomatic skills, research skills and knowledge about the world. In MUN we don?t speak continuously for 5 minutes and finish. Here we speak what's only necessary for the assigned country and develop policies acknowledging the present situation of the country. We don't go there to compete but rather to learn. The best part about FEWA MUN for me was that it is not a pointless debate about which is better 'vegetarians or non-vegetarian'. It is a logical debate on a global topic based on problems, solutions and facts.?
Also the statements put forwad by the delegate of NORTH KOREA Ms.Susmita Sigdel is stated below as; ?As I was delegate of North Korea and the topic was protection against cyber-attack. I found little bit difficult to handle many allegations made against my country: some proved and some without evidences. Therefore, this particular MUN experience in DISEC Committee has ignited defending quality in me. My fellow delegates were awesome in presenting their ideas and DAIS members were too friendly enough so, we had fruitful committee session. Someone had said traveling is not only through places but also through faces. Thus, I was able to extend my travel to different minds.?
Compiling the experience of delegate of Saudi Arabia Mr.Sudip Regmi as: ?It was great to be a part of FEWA MUN-2018 representing YTS Lamjung as the delegate of Saudi Arabia. I had a great committee where I met with the enthusiastic school and the undergraduate level delegates. We had real fun and the Dias were very much inspiring. I clearly knew what interaction, diplomacy and negotiation is. I have improved my skills with regards to debating on a particular issue. Overall I improved my confidence level and been in connectin with many others. Hats off to the OC members for organizing such great event. Now MUN has been an event that I wouldn't miss out any.?