Global Warmingby Abass Abdullah | 07-03-2018 02:27 |
![]() GLOBAL WARMING The global warming is a phrase used to describe the increase warming of the earth?s surface and the lower atmosphere due to increase levels of carbon dioxide and other atmospheric gases. The possibility that increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide due to the burning of fossil fuel cloud lead to global warming was raised in 1896 by Arrhenius. He calculated that a doubling carbon dioxide could raise average temperature by 5 degree Celsius. Global warming is caused by the following: It is caused by continuous burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and fuel wood at a prestigious rate. This increase the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the Atmosphere. Another cause of the global warming is the setting of fire to woods and savannas and over cultivation of old sols rich in organic matter. During volcanic eruption, the accompanying dust and gases tend to destroy the ozone layer Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC?s): They are released through the manufacture of synthetic products of industry, used especially as solvents, aerosol propellants, etc. These behaviors of human and other factors have brought the following effects to human and the environment: There will be rapid change in world climate. It causes a rise in global temperature between 1.5 and 4.5 degree Celsius which will cause high rate of heat. There will be changes in sea level. This will be so because when the Polar Regions get warmer ice and snow will melt and the melted water from the ice enters into the sea. This will increase the level of sea water. When the level of the sea water rises it will have an adverse effect on the major port cities. When the heat rises, it destroys the ozone layer which absorbs the harmful ultraviolet radiation. Long-term exposure to the ultraviolet radiation, usually over 20 to 30 years can cause damage to the skin, leading to mutation and eventually skin cancer. Ultraviolet radiation also changes elements of the immune system n the skin, which lead to immuno-suppression and may cause development human diseases such as cancer, some protozoa infections and the herpes simplex virus. I believe that one of our goals is to make difference in our regions. So, what acts can we implement to produce great impacts in our regions? |