Green Roofs Are Here To Stay!by Rosa Domingos | 01-03-2018 06:53 |
With global warming steadily increasing, many industries have familiarised themselves with epidemic so as to combat it from their field perspective. The roof industry has been one of them, so much so that green roofs are a worldwide megatrend in architecture. In short, green roof is a practice of planting trees, grass, vegetables and other types of vegetation in an effort to: 1. Insulate the interior 2. Grow produce on rooftops. Planting the rooftops of urbanised areas brings many benefits to public, private, economic, social sectors and the local and global environments. Green roofs have similar functions, but each installation is unique. This may vary by region, climate, green roof type and design. The benefits discussed below can be achieved by using virtually all the green roof systems and designs: 1. Firstly, green roofs reduce storm water runoff Green roof media retains water and together with plants, return a percentage of the water back into the atmosphere by the process of evapotranspiration. During heavy precipitation or continuous rain, runoff overwhelms storm water infrastructure and potentially damage waterways and fish habitat. Retention and delay of runoff eases stress of stromwater infrastructure and sewers. 2. Green roofs are energy efficient 'But how?' You ask, well the heat flux radiated through the roof by the Sun is reduced by green roofs, thus, less energy will be needed for cooling and heating and results to cost savings too. Shading the outer envelope has been shown to be more efficient than internal insulation. Also, in summer green roofs protects buildings from direct solar heat. In winter, it reduces heat loss by acting as an insulator. The conversion of energy, to this regard, translates into fewer green house gas emissions. 3. Green roofs improves air quality Think about it, plants are mother nature's megafilters... converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. With towns and cities growing out into forests and other vegetative habitats, were decreasing the rate at which oxygen is synthesised. Green roofing, I believe, is the future and it may be the only way we can naturally sustain the availability of oxygen. Another important aspect I have noticed is that green roofs traps dust particles from the atmosphere, while evapotranspiration cools ambient temperatures. Thus, less ground level ozone +less heat = less energy. Green roofs offer so many benefits, it is hard to imagine listing them all. One thing is for sure, the practice of green roofing serves as an active ingredient in combating global warming and hopefully will be a fact of life in the coming years.