Watering Plants Made Easy Using Soda Bottles As Drip Feedersby Rosa Domingos | 01-03-2018 21:10 |
Many times I have noticed how water has been wasted while watering a garden. People often water their garden before sunrise and after the sunset to ensure water infiltrates through the soil and to prevent evaporation. But recently, the conventional overhead garden-watering is being side tracked for a ease, DIY, time and water saving practice called drip irrigation. Did I forget to mention that it is cost effective as well. This do-it-yourself drip feeder uses soda bottles, in other words, recycled materials. As many plants prefer the moisture at their roots instead of overhead watering, drip feeders are a great alternative for vegetable gardening. Vegetables are not the only plant types that benefits from this, but perennial plants as well. This practice also improves effective water usage. Watering from the root area instead of overhead encourages a plant to develop a healthy root system whilst preventing fungus and other problems that overhead watering encourages. Of course you can buy a retail drip feeder hose, but this handy DIY tip will indeed aid ur plant and make watering an easy chore to do. So plants, for instance tomatoes, get leaf problems from overhead watering, so drip irrigation is preferable. To make a soda bottle feeder, just take two large soda bottles and use barbecue skewers to poke holes in them. Then insert the soda bottle into the space next to the plant when it is young and take the lid off so that once it is empty, you could just top it up with a hose. Conventional overhead watering has met its match, drip irrigation has the capabilty to promote a healthy root system and reduces water wastage. A practice that all should take part in. Source: Plant Care Today https://plantcaretoday.com/soda-bottle-drip-feeder-for-vegetables.html