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Bird Island Nature Reserve - South Africa

by | 01-09-2014 16:57 recommendations 0

The Bird Island Nature Reserve is a 3-hectare (7.4-acre) CapeNature nature reserve in Lambert's Bay, South Africa. It is an important breeding site for Fur seals, Cape Gannets and Crowned Cormorants and home to 43% of the world's bird populations. It is also home to the African Penguin and approximately 60% it's global population making it the largest of its colonies in the world. About 10 000 breeding pairs are believed to be living there.
There are two major observed threats to these animal populations namely the fishing industry and Port activities. These birds and penguins compete with the fishing industry for food with one being for financial gains and the other being the means for survival.
The other problem however is the situation of the Ngqura deep water port facility in the same area as these colonies. The deepwater Port of Ngqhurha provides a vital conduit to international markets. Strategically positioned on the global east-west trading route, this deepwater port offers global container shipping and other world class port facilities to businesses situated in the adjacent Coega Industrial Development Zone, and beyond. It is reported that PetroSa plans to establish a massive oil refinery in that zone and if established would be the biggest in Africa.
There have been concerns about the possibilities of oil spills which would adversely affect bird populations on bird island. These fears have not been substantiated but it is hoped that they can be allayed after proper assessments. There are only a few breeding colonies left in the world and any unpredictable threat, like crude oil, or other pollutants from tankers, can have a devastating effect on the African Penguin and birds on Bird Island. 
Hopefully, the relevant bodies would take this into consideration when granting permits for any expansions of the port facilities in the near future. 

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  • Rohan Kapur says :
    All the best for a positive outcome. I agree that any unpredictable threat may have cascading effect.
    Posted 10-09-2014 16:42

  • says :
    We must try to preserve the habitats of the organisms residing in Bird Island.. It's a shame that there are so many threats facing these birds. I hope South Africa and its relevant organizations will do their job well.
    Posted 02-09-2014 23:28

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