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Classification of man

by | 27-05-2015 05:13 recommendations 0

Recently, I watched the movie ?Kingsman: The Secret Service?. I loved the movie because of many reasons like the accent (gets me every time), the fact that it was a spy movie (The name?s Hugger.. Tree Hugger) and most importantly, the villain?s belief.

<< Rewind a couple of months ago when I was going through a 9gag post. The author of the post had said that they feel humans were wrongly classified as mammals when in fact we bear all the characteristics of a virus. From exponential population growth to damaging our host to our inability to survive without our host, it totally made sense! You can find the post here.

>> Forward to watching the movie, the villain had the exact same point of view. He actually made some more points that went on to strengthen that theory! One of the points that stood out was that global warming is the equivalent of the fever we get when we?re sick.. Think about it.. Using that theory then the landslides, the earthquakes, all these things that we call ?natural disasters? are the equivalent of collapsed lungs, kidney failure, name it! It?s the systems of the earth?s ?body? giving in under the intense pressure of the virus, us. Make any sense? 

So this theory completely engulfs my thoughts and I started looking for alternative theories and eventually I found one.. Human beings are not only a virus strain, we are a cancer as well.

Cancer cells evolve from normal cells and go on to take over and completely overwhelm the organs and eventually the entire body. Get my drift? We evolved from hominids which in the past were one with the entire environment, normal cells. We then began taking over ecosystems, ruining them, eradicating other species, making sure we take over as the superior species. We have taken over and destroyed our lungs (forests) vascular systems (rivers and fresh water systems) the muscle, tissue and cells (land and biodiversity). And we do not just affect one part of the earth, we spread the effects out to other parts, like a virus spreads. Then perhaps the various diseases that keep coming up are the earth?s evolving antibodies trying to rid itself of us.

According to me, we are a virulent cancer in need of some serious chemotherapy. But not in the sense of wiping out everyone, I?m NOT an extremist. In the sense of finding a way to keep our growth, spread and effect in check.

There are two things from the movie I still agree with. First is that there can only be two outcomes if we continue with this trend. Either we make this place uninhabitable and die, or the earth gives in, ?implodes? and we die with it. The second thing I agree with is that we are both lucky and unlucky enough to know that we are in fact ruining this planet, our host. So we should use this knowledge to make sure we protect the earth, if not for the planet?s sake, then for our own. Seven billion virulent cancer cells and counting, it?s time we checked ourselves.

This is part of a blog I recently began writing a while back. It can be found here


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  • says :
    Just got this movie. Going to watch it. Aness )
    Wow Christy you have watched the movie too :D
    Posted 29-05-2015 02:16

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Wonderful theories to make us realise that we are doing enough harm to the originator of lives -the Mother Earth. Very inspiring , indeed. Thanks Aness. I am going to share these theories in one of my awareness sessions/campaigns .
    Posted 27-05-2015 21:58

  • says :
    This is inspiring bro. Keep it up. Enjoyed the movie too. #Valentine the dj
    Posted 27-05-2015 13:27

  • says :
    I enjoyed reading your story, Aness. I did love the movie also :) The story was crazy and fun. I didn't know that you were also enjoying 9gag contents haha. Hmm, I agree with its logic. Well, god gave us the world but we should be wise to rule and take care of it. Or we will end up with killing our generous host(the Earth).
    Posted 27-05-2015 10:11

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