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How do we Combat Threats to Food Security in Asia and Africa While Ensuring Economic Growth?

by | 25-11-2015 03:52 recommendations 0

My apology for not being able to sign in for few days, because I was in Belfast United Kingdom to attend Belfast Model United Nations conference 2015 to discuss about ?How do we Combat Threats to Food Security in Asia and Africa While Ensuring Economic Growth?? We manage to come up with the following resolution.

Belfast MUN

Recognizing the need of nations threatened by climate change and natural disaster for increased production of essential food sources, and the serious issues of food security in Asia and Africa,

Recognizing the desire of states to ensure that tradition and culture is maintained with the expansion of a self-sufficient agricultural industry,

Emphasizing the importance of State Sovereignty but also recognizing the importance of International Co-operation,

Emphasizing The importance of improved centralized-management, and more capital-intensive industry practices, for increased yield of new agricultural business in developing and under-developed nations,

Proposes the formation of a new organization, that would be initially dubbed the Organization-for-Sustainable-Agricultural-Management (O.S.A.M)

Invites all member states to support the United Nations in forming O.S.A.M, this organization would be dedicated to identifying, and managing the development of:

Promising projects for sustainable agriculture and food production in Africa and Asia,

Firms based in developing economies that show organizational capabilities for undertaking identified projects,

Aquaponic (system combining Aquaculture and hydroponic) where animals and plants create a symbiotic and self-sufficient production of fish and vegetables

Entomophagy, which is the human consumption of insects, characterized by significant protein content

Emphasizes that O.S.A.M. would be responsible for the distribution of funding and for providing consultancy to firms that show capabilities of industrializing their nations agricultural production with green technologies

Reaffirms that locations selected for food production should not require development that would pose ecological risk

Further Proposes that O.S.A.M. should be responsible for the delegation of subsidies and rewards to local firms that follow sustainable agricultural practices with minimal food wastage by founding an office in each state that it operates within

Encourages that all member states endorse the formation of the O.S.A.M. and contribute to its completion by advertising opportunity for experienced professionals in their respective countries

Further Emphasizes that the experienced human capital responsible for initiating O.S.A.M. should be provided by all member states, with donation of expertise from each state being proportional to the G.D.P. of the state

Proposes a new program for the training of corporate leaders responsible for firms approved by the O.S.A.M., this training program would ensure that the management of each firm is mindful of local ecology and that it is, in no way, threatening the traditional culture of a local population, and follows the law of its locality and could be funded by U.N.E.S.C.O to ensure that valuable traditions and new green agricultural practices are followed

Encourages a charter through UNDP as UN Office in low income countries which would hold statistics to the amount of products supplied by countries in order to help access to the amount of products supplied and demanded from developing countries to developed countries at a fair price, countries with a surplus higher than their consumption's can sell the surplus to World Bank at a fair price, the amount sold can be bought by developed countries or allocated as food aid to developing countries in need, furthermore a section for non-used seeds would be introduced internationally if they meet food quality standards

 Belfast MUN

Further proposes that the UNDP office to be created by the previous clause be permitted to trade patented food produced globally for purposes of providing necessary food only in the case of emergency requirement

Further encourages all Member State to ensure the protection of nomadic and traditional lands by registering them in the UNESCO world cultural landscapes in order to prevent multinational enterprises to buy ancient lands (Chinese enterprises in Africa, Benetton in Argentina and Bolivia)

Further calls for a consideration of removing seed patents to allow farmers around the world wider access to efficient technology as the patenting system encourages poverty by forbidding the reuse of seeds

Encourages all member states to priorities gender equality and women?s empowerment in particular social inclusion and equal access of women to economic opportunities and resources in the rural areas, to significantly reduce the number of people suffering from hunger

Proposes a ?2040 agenda For OneHungerfree World? including concrete measures and a Practice Guide on sustainable agriculture in a changing climate situation

Suggests the training of women through local initiatives and improving attitudes towards women in agricultural employment

Suggest creating a unique market for seeds, where speculation is forbidden and the sale rates will be determined by the WFP

Promotes infrastructure to create green energy with solar panel, wind turbines and hydro turbines. The priority will be to build this infrastructure in Asia and Africa

Further Encourages member states in Africa and Asia to co-operate with O.S.A.M. in circumstances where a suitable site for new agricultural production is present, with appropriate business leaders, has been identified and approved for funding

Urges all Member States, especially developed countries, to significantly reduce food waste and concrete national measures against food wastage such as the selling of fruit and vegetable surplus at a lower price should be encouraged

Suggests the creation of a new department to the Human?s Right international court specialized on this issues. , this court can judge industries and irresponsible behavior and creates a long-term system to create trust and to protect our common good, the earth.

Invites states to develop a social policy to fund farmers in order for them to be able to invest in new technology to produce more and recommends to be supported by farmers unions and other relevant organizations.

Belfast MUN

Belfast MUN

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  • says :
    Great report Justine! The MUN was definitely a success going by the impressive resolutions. Food security is really a big source of concern for the two continents mentioned and I hope the UN and other relevant bodies will pick up the action from here.
    Posted 30-11-2015 14:23

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing !
    Posted 29-11-2015 12:34

  • says :
    wow, it must have been wonderful opportunity for you! I've also participated in UN Conferences last year , and i think it definitely helps you gain extensive knowledge about the topics :3
    Posted 29-11-2015 01:36

  • says :
    Thanks for sharing your thought =)
    Posted 27-11-2015 15:09

  • says :
    This is a wonderful writeup!
    Posted 27-11-2015 15:08

  • says :
    this is very impressive! we need to really draw out workable solutions for a sustainable agriculture.
    Posted 27-11-2015 00:35

  • says :
    I am glad that you represent Africa and most developing countries across the world on matters of poverty alleviation ,Indeed Africa dependence on agriculture cannot be underestimated ,with a growing number of young people we must strategies cool ways to attract young people to engage themselves in farming as an income generation activity that support their livelihoods.
    Posted 26-11-2015 20:00

  • says :
    I am a grand daughter of framer...
    Posted 26-11-2015 18:45

  • says :
    Both are important, great writing!
    Posted 26-11-2015 11:58

  • says :
    Thank you so much family for your wonderful comments, i appreciate you a lot :)
    Let's keep the hard work tune :)
    Posted 26-11-2015 02:57

  • says :
    awesome.. thank you for sharing.
    Posted 25-11-2015 20:53

  • says :
    Very nice report. Your resolution to mitigate the food security threat is very well drafted. Farmers are the key to revive agriculture economy. Their interests should be taken care of.
    Posted 25-11-2015 20:46

  • says :
    Nice, thank you!
    Posted 25-11-2015 18:51

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I read your report with great interest as I've also participated in Model UN Conferences.
    The draft resolutions are pretty good. When we talk of sustainability in agriculture we must take care of tradition & culture. All factors hand-in-hand will ensure sustainability.
    Well written, Justine & well supported by apt pics.
    Posted 25-11-2015 18:51

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for sharing your experience and the draft resolutions which are really good. Formation of OSAM could be really effective. Agriculture should be given top priority and farmers' interests should be taken care, they should be well trained and supported with latest technology to have maximum agricultural yield and fight food security threats.
    Posted 25-11-2015 16:10

  • says :
    I highly believe agriculture is the key for a sustainable future. Most developing countries in south-east asia such as the Philippines, tends to favor the 'industrial' economy and forget or set aside the agricultural aspect of the economy. The farmers are not being given their worth. The government do not recognize the importance of these farmers who bring food to our table.
    Posted 25-11-2015 13:47

  • says :
    Sustainable Agriculture Management ^_^
    Thanks for sharing ur report and experience and yeah resolution :D
    Posted 25-11-2015 13:39

  • says :
    It must be fun. MUN is really good opportunity to learn about diplomacy on facing global issue. Thanks for sharing your draft resolution.
    Posted 25-11-2015 09:53

  • Luiz Bispo says :
    Very nice report. That is the challenge to set up a sustainable way of development =D Lets keep working to achieve that. =)
    Posted 25-11-2015 05:09

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