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July - Resource depletion in the Philippines

by Bam Azores | 27-07-2017 00:22 recommendations 1

Resource depletion is a major problem in the Philippines.  Our country is composed of more than 7 thousand islands which means that the country has lush aquatic natural resources coming from our oceans and land resources in our islands. The country is also one of the 17 megadiverse countries in the world, which means our ecosystems are thriving with different kinds of lifeforms, from the trees and the animals that live among to the fish and shellfish in the oceans and lakes.  This abundance and biodiversity is a major factor for the survival of our people. 


However, the Philippines and its aforementioned resources have been at risk because of the effects of Climate Change due to anthropogenic reasons.   on the country which destroys crops, affects animals on land and the fish both in the oceans and in our freshwater systems. Other problems that the country faces are illegal logging and overfishing. It does not help that the government agencies do not enforce the laws that would otherwise protect these natural resources.  There are also high levels of poverty in the rural areas closest to forests and oceans, lakes, rivers and other waterways, which forces people and families in these communities to cut down trees and overfish for added income.  


At the moment, the Philippines is feeling the effects of climate change and in hindsight, past generations should have made more of an effort to protecting our natural resources.  Just think if we had a lot of mangroves protecting our coastlines.  This would have lessened the carbon that is absorbed by the oceans, which causes acidification making it harder for marine life to thrive in the waters.


There are many things we can do to protect our natural resources and prevent resource depletion. For example, let?s all plant some trees, not just for us, but for everything around us.  Every tree will filter the air around us. It will take in the carbon dioxide and give us oxygen to breathe. It will provide homes and sanctuary to animals. Trees will prevent erosion through its root systems.  It will give us food for our bodies and lumber for our homes. As Thomas Fuller said in one of his quotes, "He that plants trees loves others besides himself." Choose to love, plant a tree!

Tanay RizalDaranak Falls

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  • Dormant user Bam Azores
  • recommend


  • says :
    thanks for sharing.
    Posted 03-02-2018 18:09

  • says :
    Bam, thank you for your report. I believe the resource depletion is a major issue all over the world as well as in the Philippines. I wish the Philippines deals with the issue with their very best effort. By the way a nice quote from Thomas Fuller.
    Posted 06-08-2017 19:47

  • says :
    Hi Bam! Thanks for sharing your report on resource depletion with fascinating pictures. Did you take them by yourself? Philippines has awesome natural resources! Possessing natural resources, however, is two sided sward. If the country depended sorely on natural resources, the bless will be turned into tragedy in the end. Hope more people will realize this and act wisely!
    Posted 31-07-2017 23:34

  • says :
    It is indeed heartbreaking to hear that. I hope each and every single one of us come to realize that our small actions such as planting a tree can make a big difference. Anyway, thank you for sharing this with us, such an impressive report!
    Posted 28-07-2017 19:06

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    I hope you all make efforts to raise public awareness about natural resource depletion. Together we may control it.
    Posted 28-07-2017 18:42

  • Yvonne Wabai says :
    I would have loved to see you go into greater details on this issue.
    Posted 27-07-2017 16:03

  • Arushi Madan says :
    The Philippines is really well known for its diverse ecosystems but it's indeed sad that it is being hard hit by climate change. God bless this great country and its people.
    I agree with you on planting trees. Tree plantation is the best and one of the most efficient ways to purify air and combat global warming and climate change. We must plant trees at least on our birthday -what I call 'Birthday Plantation'.
    Thanks for such a sweet report with so much passion and concern for the environment.
    Posted 27-07-2017 06:42

  • Prakriti Dhakal says :
    Its really a nice report :)
    yeah climate change leads resource depletion , they are connected and we need to pace up fast to save environment for clean, green living. The most that quotes is awesome, thanks for sharing the condition of Philippines.
    Posted 27-07-2017 01:49

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    A heartfelt report Bam. Thanks for sharing. Resource depletion and Climate change are linked closely and we need to tackle both together for the vicious cycle to end. I read a satirical line somewhere- If trees could transmit WiFi signals- there will be a race to plant trees! Indeed we need to plant trees, we need to love!
    Posted 27-07-2017 01:18

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