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Effects of Glacier Retreat.

by | 31-07-2014 12:52 recommendations 0

Hello Friends,

In this article we will be exploring some effects of glacier retreat. In the last article we explored what glacier retreat and how much it has impacted Canada. Now I would like to present some of the potential consequences of this problem on Northern countries such as Canada. Since this problem we are dealing with is a problem which involves the disappearance of an entity (the glaciers in this case), we can look at the consequences of the problem by first investigating the importance of this entity in our life. So, lets begin by investigating why glaciers are important in our life.  

First and maybe foremost is the fact that glaciers are very important in freshwater supply. Many areas are dependant upon the summer meltwater runoff which is released every year in the summer when the water is most needed. Central and South America have many large lakes that are primarily glacier fed. This may seem unusual as these lakes are very far south, however there are an extensive network of rivers that feed many lakes in the Americas and these rivers are fed by the glaciers. As glaciers recede, the summer meltwaters are annually reduced in terms of their volume. This may have severe consequences for not only freshwater for use but also water for irrigation of crops. Thus, as can be seen the meltwater of glaciers is very important for not only for our freshwater supply but also for our food supply.

Furthermore, glaciers-fed lakes have become niche habitats for many species of fish which have become dependant upon the cold freshwater offered by the glacier fed lakes. But, perhaps a more pressing issue which is closer to home is the fact that many freshwater fish require cold waters to thrive. An example of this is the salmon. Salmon is a vital fish to Canada?s west coast and the salmon stocks are rapidly collapsing posing serious economic and cultural risk to the province of British Columbia. The depletion of glacier meltwater may be the factor that pushes the fragile salmon stocks to extinction.  

Lastly, the final issue of glacier retreat is sea level rise. Glaciers are home to a vast quantity of water. The Greenland and Antarctica ice caps are home to the majority of glacier water. It is estimated that is these ice caps were to melt then the global sea level would rise about 70 meters. Also, recent sea level rise has not been largely caused by these ice caps. Melting of these ice caps has only contributed less than 0.5 mm. Thus, we have seen that the beast has not yet been unleashed. If these ice caps start to melt then the minimum projected sea level of 0.8 m (already very high) maybe be increased manyfold.

Thus, glacier retreat is seen to be a very real issue. The consequences of this problem may bring us to our knees. However it is important to note that the retreat of glaciers only reflects our actions. The true consequences of glacier retreat have not yet been fully unleashed. We have a chance, we see a light at the end of the tunnel. All we have to do is take action, pursue the light.

gl rt

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  • says :
    Thank you for the informative article, Nitish :)
    Although there's no glacier in Korea, we are suffered from almost same problems like reduce in crop and decreasing water level in lakes.
    So I could understand melting glacier faster these problems in North America region.
    Posted 05-08-2014 07:50

  • says :
    It's true, glacier retreat is a perfect showcase of the effects of global warming. Thanks for sharing!
    Posted 04-08-2014 12:03

  • says :
    It is an alarming effect of Global Warming.
    Posted 03-08-2014 20:11

  • Burton Dorley says :
    wow great article and thanks for sharing this
    Posted 31-07-2014 19:23

  • says :
    Thank you friends for your insight into the wide spectrum of other issues of glacial retreat. It seems like glacier retreat has its unique effects in different regions. But, the global nature of the effects of this problem means that the response must be equally wide-spread and global...
    Posted 31-07-2014 18:52

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Thanks for the detailed report. Glacier retreat also has effect on tourism of that area as there wont be enough ice/snow for sports like ice skating /ice treking etc so less tourists flocking there which will impact the income of of locals living there. Glacier retreats also increase risk of natural hazards like flooding , rock-slides and avalanches.
    Posted 31-07-2014 18:20

  • says :
    Glacial Lake Outburst flood (GLOF) is one of the major threat to the livelihood of Himalayan region in Nepal. Likewise now a days mountains are least covered by the snow than it used to be. Unless we act right now, the life of people living in mountaing region will be at great stake and so will be of people living in other region as well.
    Posted 31-07-2014 17:50

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