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Model on Global Warming

by Aaditya Singh | 27-01-2014 18:33 recommendations 0

I am happy to share with all Ecogeneration members a school project that I have been working on for some time and that has been completed recently. For the Science Model Project at my school (Delhi Private School, Sharjah), I chose to make a model on Global Warming- Causes, Effects and Prevention. My model as also my knowledge on the topic was greatly appreciated at my school. In addition to my school and Emirates Environment group (of which I am a student member), I have Tunza Eco-generation to thank, for increasing my awareness about this topic.

All material used to make the model was waste or material that I had collected for recycling (discarded wood pieces from a carpentry workshop, old/broken toys, plastic/cardboard/styrofoam packaging material, plastic/paper bags, waste paper etc.)

I made the model in 2 pieces. The first piece was a circular piece of wood on which I showed the effects of Global Warming by dividing it into 4 parts and the centre showing a globe on fire. The second piece was divided into 2 parts with a vertical panel  in the centre. On one side I showed the causes of Global Warming and on the other side, the prevention.

The following facts and information was conveyed through the model:

Global Warming- Causes, Effects and Prevention

WHAT?- Global Warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth's atmosphere.

WHY?- Green House Gases (GHGs) like Carbon di Oxide, Methane etc, Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs) and other pollutants trap the heat of the Sun.

HOW?- The GHGs mainly come from:
1. Fuel Combustion in Vehicles
2. Industries
3. Production of Electricity by burning coal
4. Deforestation

1. Melting of Glaciers and Rising of Sea Levels
2. Storms and Floods
3. Droughts and Famines
4. Climate Change and Changes in Ecosystems

1. Use of Public Transport, cycling, walking etc to cut down pollution from vehicles
2. Careful management of Chemicals and Industrial waste
3. Production of Electricity from Alternate Sources (Hydroelectricity, Solar Panels, Windmills etc.) and conservation of electricity
4. Afforestation and Conservation of Ecosystems
5. Green Sustainable living and Reducing Landfills through efforts towards Reducing, Reusing & Recycling, with emphasis on the fact Recycling should be the last option after Reducing and Reusing.

I have attached photos of the model for everyone to have a look. I have spoken to environment agencies and instead of dismantling the model, it may be used to spread awareness among the student community.

Information on Global Warming Causes and Prevention of Global Warming Prevention of Global Warming Causes of Global Warming Effects of Global Warming Effects of Global Warming Effects of Global Warming Model Global Warming


  • Austria Youth Aaditya Singh
  • recommend


Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you Simran. Coming from a Super Champion like you, this means alot!
    Posted 06-02-2014 11:58

  • Simran Vedvyas says :
    Well Participated Champion!
    Posted 05-02-2014 03:58

  • says :
    @Aaditya I got it. But it's still an awesome piece of art! Congratulations for completing it in a perfect way :)
    Posted 03-02-2014 17:23

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you Raunak, Nitesh, Abhay and Shrijana for your kind remarks and encouragement. Appreciation from so many Eco warriors means more to me than the first prize that I won in my school with my model.
    Posted 03-02-2014 05:07

  • says :
    Models look amazing. Very well done, Aaditya.
    Posted 02-02-2014 21:19

  • says :
    Just WOW! what a great work with creativity as well we scientific insight! Good going and please keep up your interest!
    Posted 02-02-2014 08:38

  • says :
    Amazing work done by you, young boy ! Hope to see active change brought by you !
    Posted 02-02-2014 02:29

  • says :
    The model looks really great.
    Posted 01-02-2014 22:26

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you Mohit, Rohan and Aasha for your encouraging comments.
    Posted 31-01-2014 05:39

  • says :
    Wow, that's very creative ! Good going Aaditya , I hope more students become aware through your project .
    Posted 30-01-2014 22:32

  • Rohan Kapur says :
    Well done. The photos are very depictive.
    Posted 30-01-2014 19:43

  • says :
    good job.inspiration for others also.
    Posted 29-01-2014 20:48

  • says :
    good job.inspiration for others also.
    Posted 29-01-2014 20:48

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Arushi, a special thanks to you for teaching me a new word- 'Upcycle'. I checked its meaning after reading your comment!
    Posted 29-01-2014 19:51

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Christy, it did not take very long to make the model-just about a week of work after school, but collecting all the material took time as I wanted to use waste material only. But we had enough given time from the school to plan our models. Most importantly, I really enjoyed making the model. My schoolmates loved it too as it caught their imagination with all the cars and animals etc. It was easy to pass the message as they were very attentive.
    Posted 29-01-2014 19:50

Aaditya Singh

  • Aaditya Singh says :
    Thank you Ecogen, Christry, Smriti, Arushi, Shishir, Bhuwan, Ashish, Afra, Gaa Bhin and Unmesh, for your kind and appreciating comments.
    Posted 29-01-2014 19:46

  • says :
    Great work Aditya...using waste materials to spread the awaremess on environmental issues - great...
    Posted 29-01-2014 00:49

  • says :
    Yeah It must have taken a lot of time and energy good job :D
    We should stop global warming and make better cities!!
    Posted 28-01-2014 20:30

  • says :
    The model looks amazing. You have taken great efforts. Keep up your good work. Nice presentation on global warming
    Posted 28-01-2014 19:07

  • says :
    Wow!!! innovative!!!
    Posted 28-01-2014 18:15

  • says :
    Just love it. I appreciate your innovation and creativity. keep it up.

    Posted 28-01-2014 11:18

  • says :
    Wow, how many time did it take? This is really incredible! Nice work, Aaditya :)
    Posted 28-01-2014 09:49

Eco Generation

  • says :
    Wow so innovative and creative overall. You have skillfully presented the global warming model presenting most of its environmental effects. Keep it up.
    Posted 28-01-2014 09:02

  • Arushi Madan says :
    Beautiful and very creative . You upcycled the waste. Good job , Aaditya.
    Posted 28-01-2014 01:58

  • says :
    wow, what an use of waste materials! Your model is both attractive and educative, thank you for sharing, keep it up!
    Posted 27-01-2014 22:58

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