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The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 21st Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors

by Eco Generation | 12-03-2019 09:51 Comments 17 Comments

The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 21st term


I recommend Deepak subedi He took his eco campaign to schools, relating with the next set of eco generation leaders individually. He touched various important aspect of the environment including plastic pollution, environmental conservation and food waste. He has drawn a lot of positive attention to the work of tunza eco generation in building capacity

He is a young enthusiastic person with qualities like courage,humility & kindness. After he was selected as ambassador he initiated Environment Conservation and Pollution Awareness Campaign (ECPAC) "Together We Can" and conducted various programs. He had conducted awareness program in different school of Bharatpur Nepal. He had conducted competition program to teach about environment conservation,plastic pollution,food wastage,leadership, climate change etc. He also conducted health check up program for street cattle with his team. These activities what he did in the short period of time in our developing country is the key fact that i want to recommend he as most inspirational ambassador.

He started to conduct various eco programs. He started to involve himself in cleanliness program, awareness program and various eco activities and competition. He had conducted awareness program for Plastic Pollution, Environment Conservation, Food waste, Climate Change, Leadership etc in 5 different schools and faciliated 500 students. In every school he promoted Tunza Eco Generation. Along with awareness program he had also conducted 5 different competition programs. Out of 5, 4 of them were in different schools and one was online competition. Junk art competition, drawing competition, speech competition in theme Environment Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Food waste etc were conducted in 4 different schools. He conducted ECPAC Selfie Contest (Online) in theme "Beat Plastic Pollution ", this was his most popular program and was very famous in two universities in two district in Nepal. He provide online awareness via his Facebook page which have around 1300 likes. He also conducted Health Check up program for street cattle along with his team as an ambassador of Tunza Eco Generation. During 6 months of his term he had written 75 Ambassador Reports and 3 times his reports were best ambassador 's report. He read almost every ambassador reports and put meaningful comments on them and also replied on almost every single comments in his report. He was active both in offline activities and online activities.He won December monthly event and took participate in all events of Tunza Eco Generation. I personally believe he was source of inspiration for many other ambassadors and students who want to work in the conservation sector. All these things happen in 6 month of his term as an Ambassador of Tunza Eco Generation. So I want to recommend Mr. Deepak Subedi from Nepal as most inspirational ambassador of 21st term. Thank You.

In my opinion, the most inspirational Ambassador was Deepak Subedi. During his cadence, he organised many eco-awareness events and competitions, which, I believe, help pupils to learn the importance of environmental preservation and climate change.

This is to recommend Mr. Deepak Subedi as the most inspirational ambassador. As far as I have seen his activeness and passion towards environment conservation and preservation, it¡¯s highly appreciable. Before being an ambassador also he was relentlessly working in this field. And after tunza has provided him this platform his works got a big pace with more concrete motive. And within six months he succeeded in carrying out vairious influencing programmes, latest that has got more highlighted is ECPAC campaign. His every reports that I go through is all about programmes which in large extent is influencing the society in a positive way. He isn¡¯t aligned to single place, he is decentralized from Rupandehi to Chitwan district and is with vision more to go. Henceforth I strongly recommend him as the most inspirational ambassador and tunza should also appreciate his deeds and support his vision to accelerate his works in skyrocketing way.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal as the most inspirational ambassador of 21st term. I have been following him since his term as ambassador started. He has been actively working in online and offline areas to aware and make changes in environment to make it a better place to live in. His every works from creating awareness to school going children to Environment Conservation and Pollution Awareness Campaign (ECPAC), "Together We Can" are commendable. His ideas and innovations have inspired me a lot, so I recommend him as the most inspirational ambassador of 21st term.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi as the most inspirational Ambassador. He had conducted many awareness program in schools. He is really doing great job to fight against plastic Pollution. He also conducted ECPAC Selfie contest in theme of beat plastic pollution. From Selfie Contest I am highly inspired and now I am reusing, recycling plastic bags and also I don't litter everywhere. I am one of the winners. He is promoting Tunza Eco Generation in my university. So I think him as most qualified candidate for most inspirational Ambassador.

Deepak Subedi is most inspirational ambassador for me in this 21st term. He have organized a lot of street cleanup events. He have also organized leadership and environment conservation workshop targeting school students. He have formed Tunza Eco clubs too in schools at his country Nepal. He have also organized environmental awareness workshops to aware students and children about climate change and environmental conservation. He have been advocating on climate change since past. All his works can be seen in his past reports. He is passionate for the betterment of the mother earth. So I recommend him as the most inspiring ambassador of the 21st term. He is a true eco warrior. I wish him all the best for the selection.

I am very pleased to recommend, Deepak Subedi as the most inspirational ambassador of 21st term. He is very active, hardworking and enthusiastic person. He does every work wisely and clearly. He is model for others in different activities. He always encourages his friends, seniors and juniors to involve in environment conservation and agricultural research activities. I think, there won't be any second thoughts to appoint him as the most inspirational ambassador or the 21st term. thank you!!!

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal as most inspirational ambassador. He has organized different program like selfie contest to beat plastic pollution, awarness program in schools, art exibition etc. So he deserve to be most inspirational ambassador.

I'd like to recommend Deepak Subedi as my next inspirational ambassador. Deepak has been conducting several capacity building training on beating pollution and environmental conservation. What resonates to me is the fact that he is a veterinarian with so much passion and wide vision of the environmental issues. I can see his dedication and interest in Tunza Eco generation which is really applaudable.

I recommend Mr. Deepak Subedi for Regional ambassador. He had conduct various eco programs.He has done cleanliness program, awareness program and various eco activities and competition. He had conducted awareness program for Plastic Pollution, Environment Conservation, Food waste, Climate Change, Leadership etc in 5 different schools and facialited 500 students. In every school he promoted Tunza Eco Generation. Along with awareness program he had also conducted 5 different competition programs. Out of 5, 4 of them were in different schools and one was online competition. Junk art competition, drawing competition, speech competition in theme Environment Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Food waste etc were conducted in 4 different schools. He conducted ECPAC Selfie Contest (Online) in theme "Beat Plastic Pollution ", this was the most popular program and was very famous in two universities in two district in Nepal. HE had provided online awareness via Facebook page which have around 1300 likes. http://www.facebook.com/ECPAC56 He also conducted Health Check up program for street cattle along with team as an ambassador of Tunza Eco Generation. He was active both in offline activities and online activities So I want to recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal as most inspirational ambassador of 21st term. Thank You.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi, from Nepal, because I think he has done many activities through the last term, he had conducted various of programs in topic Plastic Pollution, Environment Conservation, Food waste, Leadership etc. Along with the awareness program, I found him very inspirational.

I recommend Mr. Deepak Subedi as one of the most inspirational ambassador. As much as I know, he has always been dedicated towards his work and has been doing a lot in the field of environment and wildlife conservation from conducting awareness campaign to ECPAC campaign and many more. ECO generation has always been supporting the best one and this time I believe Tunza would regard Mr. Deepak Subedi.

I highly recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal. He is such an inspirational person who took the initiative to mobilize other ambassadors for environmental actions. He is such a person who knew every single ambassador of 21st term and every single move made. Every morning I waked up the first message I could find on my social network was Subedi's. He really deserve this because it's all we can reward him for his stewardship for 21st Eco-generation term.

I Recommend Deepak Subedi. He has done tremendous work that has inspired many children and youths. He initiated Environment Conservation and Pollution Awareness Campaign ECPAC "Together We Can" and started to conduct various programs. He then started to involve himself in cleanliness program, awareness program and various eco competition With the help of TEG conducted various programs. He conducted awareness in 5 different schools in Bharatpur Nepal on various topics on ; Plastic Pollution, Environment Conservation, Food waste, Leadership etc. Along with the different awareness programs, he conducted 5 different competition program as part of awareness. He teaches around 500 students from 5 different schools about Environment Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Food waste, Leadership, Climate Change etc. Out of 5 different competition 4 of them were in different schools and one was online competition.Junk art competition, drawing competition, speech competition in theme Environment Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Food waste etc were conducted in 4 different schools. He also conducted a Health Check up program for street cattle along with his team. Beside this he conducted ECPAC Selfie Contest, this one was my most popular program. During 6 moths of His term he wrote 75 Ambassador Reports and 3 times his reports were best from all ambassador. I therefore recommend him as the most inspirational Ambassador.

I wish to recommend Deepak Subedi as the most inspiration 21st Eco-generation regional ambassador. Since his selection as ambassador, Deepak initiated Environment Conservation and Pollution Awareness Campaign ECPAC "Together We Can" and started to conduct various programs. He started to involve himself in cleanliness program, awareness program and various eco competition. With the help of TEG he had conducted various programs. He conducted awareness in 5 different schools in Bharatpur Nepal in topic Plastic Pollution, Environment Conservation, Food waste, Leadership etc. Along with awareness program he had also conducted 5 different competition program. He taught around 500 students from 5 different schools about Environment Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Food waste, Leadership, Climate Change etc. Out of 5 different competition 4 of them were in different schools and one was online competition.Junk art competition, drawing competition, speech competition in theme Environment Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Food waste etc were conducted in 4 different schools. Deepak also conducted Health Check up program for street cattle along with my team. Beside this I conducted ECPAC Selfie Contest, this one was my most popular program. You can see his Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/ECPAC56 for more details of my ECPAC campaign and selfie contest. During 6 moths of his term he wrote 75 Ambassador Reports and 3 times his reports were best from all ambassador. With all these milestones, I strongly recommend him as the most inspirational ambassador.

Hello. I would like to recomment Deepak Subedi. I have read all about his jobs and projects. He is really good in this field and inspirational.
I would like to recommend Deepak Subedi as the best ambassador of 21st term as he has been always dedicated for the environment. He had already organised many awareness campaigns for environmental protection. He continuous efforts and works are worth recognisable. He also helps people having any doubt or queries about Tunza. Overall he is the best ambassador with 3 to 4 best reports of the term.

i would recommend Deepak Subedi as the most inspirational ambassador of 21st generation. As an ambassador he has not only held his position but also proved himself as a really responsible ambassador. He has organised many programs out of which none were unsuccessful. He has initiated a campaign named 'environment conservation and pollution awareness,together we can ECPAC and conducted various programs through this campaign. Out of all programs through ECPAC, ECPAC selfie contest was the most successful. He has conducted various awareness related programs in different schools and colleges and more importantly he has also inspired young generation to be in the program and actively participate. Seeing all these, in my opinion deepak subedi is the most inspirational ambassador in 21st eco gen.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi, He is one of the most active Ambassador of TUNZAEco Generation. He is active in the field of Eco Conservation programe in nepal. he is worried about the present detoriation of ecosystem and its fiture impact in human life. In this way for his contribution in eco conservation and intention to do something for environmnt so I recommend him.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi (Nepal) as most inspirational Ambassador because of his dedication to teach young students about environment conservation, plastic pollution and climate change. He conducted many awareness program in my home town and he is popular for his activities. He also conducted school programs and competition to create awareness about conservation of natural resources. He allays inspire me to become Eco friendly, reuse plastic materials, not throwing plastic in roads and jungles etc. He is true Eco hero and environment activist. I see him busy in this site many times, he frequently told me his reports become best among all ambassadors. All this things makes me to recommend him for this title. For me he is already a winner. Thank You Sincerely, Prajjwal Shrestha
I would like to nominate ambassador Deepak Subedi, i am continuously updated about his journey to green world and he has done amazing works. His initiation on environment conservation and pollution awareness camp has bring remarkable changes. He has bring ripple effect to multiple the number of Eco-warriors.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal as most inspirational ambassador. He is encouraging for the protection of environment, wisely use of natural resources and reuse and recycle of plastic materials. He always involve himself in organizing programs and teaching young students about conservation and climate change. He had conducted various competition among school students. He also conducted ECPAC selfie contest and this competition was very famous here in our college. He always encourage me to become Eco friendly. He involve in various Eco activities and encourage all friend to be Eco Friendly. Because of all these he deserve this title.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal as most inspirational ambassador of 21st term. He is my fellow friend who always inspire me to be Eco friendly. He always encourage me to reuse, refuse and recycle plastic materials. I see him working for environment and street animals always. He had successfully conducted many programs in various schools of his home town, he always involve in environment related activities. In my college most of students know about Tunza Eco Generation because of him. He always praise this platform and try to make us more Eco Friendly. ECPAC selfie contest was one of the very popular program conducted by him. I personally saw him writing many reports here and engaging in this website. His dedication towards environment conservation always inspire me, his discipline, character and morale is also very good. I personally believe he truly deserve this title. Thank You

I support Deepak Subedi from Nepal to be the most inspirational ambassador because ever since he have become an ambassador,he walks spreading positivity and knowledge about environment.I have been inspired by his talks regarding plastic pollution and environmental health.I have won the Selfie contest organized byTunza and during the process,I have also gained some insights regarding how bad single use plastics are.This understanding would have never come,if I haven't been inspired by him to apply for selfie contest and research for it.He is actively visiting schools and teaching students about environment,widening their knowledge and using their creativity at its best.Thats why,I recomend Deepak Subedi. Thank you!
I would like to recommend Deepak subedi as the most inspirational ambassador of 21 tenure. The main reason for the recommendation is his strong dedication towards environment conservation inputs. Over his tenure of eco generation I have seen him grow for good. I have attended several of his events and online campaign. His managerial ability to effectively conduct such activities are outstanding . Having worked with him as a fellow volunteer and giving collaborative effort together I believe he is the most inspirational eco tunza generation I have ever meet. I also would like to thank him for his hard work and tolls and believe he will always act for the cause of conservation.

Namaskar from Nepal, It's very hard for me to recommend any of the ambassador for the most inspirational ambassador as everyone work and contribution is so impressive, incomparable and transformational which has really played prominent role in the environment.As far as I know Mr.Deepak subedi dai from Nepal is so passionate ,dedicative and enthusiast eco ambassador .So I want to recommend him this time.He has organized many environment related awerness campaign and has contributed his effort to aware the youth of today generation about the consequence of the different environment related issue.His presentation on food security was really impressive.By Organizing online selfie contest on theme plastic pollution he has explored,awared and conveyed the message to everyone about the effect of plastic pollution through various participant.So I find him as one of the deserving candidate.

I recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal. Thank you.
Deepak Subedi is the most inspiring ambassador. I love the way he completed his responsibility.

I always want to work for conservation and save environment, due to busy schedule i cannot do much more. I am always amaze how Deepak Subedi work for the betterment of environment, his energy, passion and dedication toward environment conservation is unbelievable. He always inspire me to reuse, recycle the plastic materials. He always inspire me to make my surrounding clean and plastic pollution free. After becoming Ambassador of Tunza Eco Generation, he conducted awareness program in various schools and also conducted various competition. I love his dedication to create awareness among school students. I Personally want to recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal as most inspirational Ambassador. Thank You.

I sincerely want to recommend Mr. Deepak Subedi from Nepal as the most inspirational ambassador of 21st term. He is one of the most inspirational person who has been doing various activities in plastic reduction and environment conservation. Recently he himself conducted a public awareness program in the topic plastic reduction via selfie competition,reaching around 13.5 k likes in his facebook page along with 35 participants who participated in the program, which is really a commendable job. He has been actively working in his vicinity around Bharatpur area. He went to around 5 schools, and conducted program on plastic reduction, environment conservation and climate change reaching more than 500 students. Despite of the lack of time being a veterinary student he has been doing such a wonderful job. He recently gave a presentation in our college about plastic reduction and alternative solution to plastic products which was well appreciated by the teachers as well as the students. With all his efforts and dedication and such high level of enthusiasm, i believe there can be no better ambassador than Deepak Subedi. I undoubtedly want him to win this title Best of luck Deepak!!!

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal as most inspirational Ambassador. Though a short period of time Mr. Deepak Subedi had inspired lots of young children. I feel lucky to be part of various campaign : awareness program about pollution, waste management, environment conservation and many more conducted by him. I am inspired by his hungriness for to aware people, motivate them and take leadership for any good cause. Not only that I got chance to collaborate with him for to inspire lots of school children and recognize their potential. He was too good at doing soo. I believed a true Ambassador should posses his quality because as far I know him, he is diligent, headship and discipline person. He takes his every task and work as his passion and gives his 100%. I would like to congratulated him as a Regional Ambassador, he is doing fantastic job.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi as most inspirational ambassador because after being selected as an ambassador he has involved himself in environment conservation and pollution control activities. I have seen him conducting awareness program in different schools of Bharatpur. Beside awareness programs he also conducted competition program on environment conservation, plastic pollution,food waste, leadership and climate change. He has encouraged various school students and colleagues towards environment conservation and reduction of plastic wastes. I strongly believe that he will do more in the field of ecology and environment when he gets more opportunity.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal as most inspirational ambassador of 21st term. His dedication towards environment conservation is really amazing. After becoming ambassador he successfully conducted many offline and online awareness program. He conducted many competition programs related to environment conservation, plastic Pollution, climate change etc. He involved in many eco activities and program. His reports were very good and he was regular and strict in writing reports. All thses things made me recommend Deepak Subedi.

I want to recommend Deepak Subedi from Nepal as most inspirational ambassador for his work. He conducted various programs for environmental awareness campains. He get involved in cleanliness program, awareness program and various eco competition. Along with awareness program he had also conducted 5 different competition program. He taught around 500 students from 5 different schools about Environment Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Food waste, Leadership, Climate Change etc. Out of 5 different competition 4 of them were in different schools and one was online competition.Junk art competition, drawing competition, speech competition in theme Environment Conservation, Plastic Pollution, Food waste etc were conducted in 4 different schools. He also conducted Health Check up program for street cattle along with his team.


The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 21st term


  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Congratulations dai!!
    Posted 15-09-2019 03:47

  • Okoth Okoth says :
    Thanks Depak for your continued effort. I wish we could connect. You are a great inspiration. Put me through kindly.
    Posted 06-06-2019 21:59

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Thank You all of you guys for you support and appreciation.
    Posted 22-03-2019 19:19

  • Muskan Priya says :
    Many many congratulations to you!
    Posted 17-03-2019 17:20

  • Nikolay Dagaev says :
    Hey, Deepak! Very happy for you, friend, on your well deserved win! New achievements in our common cause! Congratulations!
    Posted 16-03-2019 04:48

  • Yoba Alenga says :
    Congrats Deepak Subedi
    Posted 15-03-2019 17:24

  • Himani Chand says :
    Congratulations Dada
    Posted 14-03-2019 20:21

Ishimwe Eric Josue

  • Ishimwe Eric Josue says :
    Congratulations Subedi! keep on doing the amazing works!
    Posted 13-03-2019 01:50

  • Victor eke mba says :
    Congratulations my brother
    Posted 12-03-2019 16:42

  • Dibya Bhatta says :
    Congratulations Deepak.. welcome to most inspirational ambassador zone! :)
    Posted 12-03-2019 14:12

  • Bimala Khanal says :
    Congratulations deepak :)
    Posted 12-03-2019 13:22

  • Pallavi Adhikari says :
    Congratulations dear brother, hoping for a lot more from you :)
    Posted 12-03-2019 13:09

  • Bharat Adhikari says :
    Congratulations brother. :) :)
    Posted 12-03-2019 13:01

  • Deepak Subedi says :
    Thank you Tunza Eco Generation and all the other supporters who supported me, believed me and recommended me.

    Posted 12-03-2019 12:51

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