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The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 24th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors

by Eco Generation | 23-09-2020 09:53 Comments 10 Comments

Mr. Kushal Naharki - I have witness his work on environment advocacy very closely and that has sparkled me including all the participants of this platform to follow and learn from his unbeatable Eco journey. He has effectively carried his responsibility very well amidst this difficult pandemic from every possible platform and has promoted the Tunza network to the wider audience. He is an active youth that has huge social network and has perform different other environment campaigns collaborating with very reputed organization working in environment field. He is undoubtedly a very inspirational ambassador with concrete future environment plans to advance the networking of Tunza platform around the global audience and also a future hope to leave a remarkable space in conserving mother earth with his avid dedication in all the works he carry. So, I strongly recommend Mr. Kushal Naharki as the most inspirational 24th Tunza ambassador of Nepal.


I would like to recommend Mr. Kushal Naharki as one of the Inspirational Ambassador for the 24th term. He has been working relentlessly for the best of the environment. He is one of the very active ambassador of all time. As far as I have known him and seen his activities and reports, they are worth reading and inspiring one. I believe he deserves to be the Inspirational Ambassador.  


I am recommending Mr. Kushal Naharki as the best ambassador for the 24th term. He guided me a lot to join Tunza platform. He has been a great asset to Tunza and have conducted countless programs, events and campaigns. He has advocated for climate action since a long time and branded Eco Generation platform to great extent not only in Nepal but global arena through his various programs and campaigns. Hence, I personally feel that he is the perfect candidate to be the most inspirational ambassador of Eco Generation ambassador for the 24th term.


Kushal is a great environmental activist and an eco-warrior. The list of programs that he has successfully conducted depicts his enthusiasm to contribute for environmental protection. It also shows his qualities of leadership, cooperation, and event management. Kushal is a dedicated person who is capable of furthering simultaneously his study and his passion. His zeal and exertions for any event and his way of coping with people outstands him among others. Reaching more than 26,500 points on the platform is an amazing fate which demonstrates his works as ambassador on the platform. Also, constantly being featured on monthly newsletter depicts the quality of the work he has been doing. His inspiring eco journey and exceptional works makes him the most Inspirational Ambassador of the 24th term.


I want to recommend Kushal Naharki as most inspirational ambassador, I am very pleased with his eco activities and programs and I love his reports very much. He is source of inspiration to youth around the globe. He is determined and devoted to every works of and has a vision towards sustainable environment. He is very inspiring, motivating and genuine to his works. He has been doing several works for the betterment of society that is directly related to environment preservation. His deeds for the protection of the mother earth has ever encouraged and motivated me too. His campaigns programs and reports are really so inspirational and is surely the best ambassador of Tunza EcoGeneration. I am very happy to have him around and empowering works for environmental sector is truly appraisable and he is recommendable. He has also performed the undergraduate relating it to reduce the use of pesticides with the alternatives like botanical and plant essential oil. He has been with the most commendable ambassador with his performances.


Kushal Naharki is one of the few ambassadors that I know to be very consistent on this platform. I am happy to see him engaging in wonderful events, not only of environment field but of leadership, youth empowerment, and many more. I have read some of his reports and they consist of thorough research. He conducted programs in the past which aimed at protecting the environment. He is a perfect example for us all and would be a deserving victor if he is selected as the most inspirational ambassador. I therefore Kushal Naharki as the most inspirational ambassador of the 24th regional ambassadors.


Greetings from Nepal. From the day I became a member of this platform, I have been observing our regional ambassadors. Among all, I truly appreciate the active involvement and dedications towards this platform, of one of our regional ambassador, Kushal Naharki. This is proved by his points also to some extent, in fact, he is actively involved in many youth networks and platforms inspiring hundreds and thousands of youths towards environment protection. Being an Agriculture student, he always tend to convey a positive message of doing Agriculture in eco-friendly manner, he has written reports regarding this topic as well. I find his reports so insightful in all aspects. Thus, to recommend the most inspirational ambassador of this term, I would like to recommend one of the best ambassador of mine, Kushal Naharki. Hope to see him honoured by the title very soon. Thank you and best wishes.


I would like to highly recommend Kushal Naharki as the most Inspirational 24th Tunza Eco-generation regional Ambassador. Through his hard work and enthusiasm in protecting the environment: Kushal was awarded Tunza EcoGeneration Ambassador Sponsorship Program. He was also elected as 22 global change maker by Youth Lead. Moreover, he worked as Co-Chair in Pokhara Model United in United Nation Environment Programme Committee on agenda ¡°"The impact of eco-tourism on sustainability¡± His relentless work on Eco-generation platform include: Posted maximum number of ambassador report which counts over 50 Acquired more than 10,000 points this year and my overall points on the platform is above 25,000 Participated in all the monthly events and annual events of the platform. Helped and supported the campaigns of fellow ambassadors, motivated Eco generation members and answered their queries. Posted comments in all ambassador reports. Shared more than 20 posts in opportunity section and several images of my activities on gallery section Organized several campaigns, programs and invited in various program as Regional Ambassador to Asia. My recommendation for Naharki is without doubt.


I feel really great to introduce the most inspirational ambassador for the year. And I recommend Mr. Kushal Naharki as the most inspiring figure for me in Tunza platform. He has initiated many platforms for us to work on and learn from in our steps ahead. So as a gratitude message for always inspiring and reaching me I would recommend him.


Kushal Naharki has been the most inspirational ambassador for me. He has always supported and inspired me to move forward. Answering my queries to helping me in my works to engaging me in environment related works, he has been the best ambassador as well as an amazing Mentor for us. His action towards environment has motivated and inspired many of us and he is the most inspirational ambassador of the term. Kushal Naharki always looks forward to build strong connections, share knowledge, exchange ideas with the enthusiastic youths joining the Tunza Eco generation through his reports. I am glad to recommend Kushal Naharki as most inspirational activities as he has really proved that he really deserves this with all his activities.


Kushal Naharki has been an inspiration for youth climate change enthusiasts to learn further learn about climate change advocacy and improve their journey as climate leaders in their respective communities with his inspiring climate story and engaging campaigns. As, climate activist he also always demonstrated his climate actions and inspired people to take climate action. From joining the global climate reality training, organizing virtual climate workshop to being guest speaker on International Youth Day 2020 to talk on SDG 13 along with presentation workshop to the school students on the occasion of world environment day, he has always motivating people for climate action.


Kushal Naharki has been the most punctual and the inspiring ambassador. He has always been regular and timely with his all reports. His hard work can be defined by the number of reports he uploads. He is also always ready to help other people in the platform. I have seen him answering the questions of the members in the chat box, sharing opportunities to the members and putting his comments on all the ambassadors¡¯ report. His helping nature, innovative campaigns and punctuality makes his inspiration for all the people joining the platform of Tunza EcoGeneration. Therefore, I would like to recommend Kushal Naharki as the most inspirational ambassador.


In the current world, it feels great to know the youth are the inspiration for youth. Kushal Naharki has been a youth inspiration for many youths around. I have seen his "Youth Voice" video he created on the occasion of International Day as well as his video presentation on World Environment Day. His advocacy, enthusiasm and desire to inspire young leaders and create local eco heroes has what inspired me.


I would like to recommend Kushal Naharki as the inspirational ambassador for the following reasons: - Being the most active ambassador with more than 50 reports - I have subscribed to Tunza newsletter and I can see being featured there mostly - His creative campaigns like plant health, biodiversity, eco fact, eco dictionary - His global activities like Virtual Eco Workshop, Webinar on Covid19 and Environment - Supporting and motivating his friends for participating in environmental activities - His consistency as ambassador since last 3 years. - His dedication, hard work and innovation in awareness and events inspiring youths and children.


I recommend Kushal Naharki for the Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 24th term. During my engagement in this platform, I got to read some of Kushal¡¯s insightful reports, he was also actively engaging with all other ambassadors, commenting on their posts as such.


  • Paras Kunwar says :
    Congratulations Brother
    Posted 22-02-2021 00:08

  • Pragati Dubey says :
    Congratulations Kushal and you are an inspiration.
    Posted 02-02-2021 19:35

  • Mubarak Ayanniyi says :
    A well deserved one Kushal!! Congrats..
    Posted 25-09-2020 04:37

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you everyone for the wishes
    Posted 24-09-2020 23:49

  • ALOK DHAKAL says :
    Congratulations Kushal dai.

    Posted 23-09-2020 13:32

  • Meena Pandey says :
    Congratulations Kushal dai.
    Posted 23-09-2020 11:17

Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Thank you Everyone for your recommendation and support. It feels amazing to be awarded with the title. Thank you EcoGeneration
    Posted 23-09-2020 10:17

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