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The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 26th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors

by Eco Generation | 06-09-2021 14:11 Comments 12 Comments

I am so excited to announce The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 26th term!

The Most Inspirational Ambassador is¡¦.



Drumroll please!








It¡¯s Ssenyange Apollo! Congratulation! Give him a big round of applause.

Shall we read the recommendations written by our friends?

There were so many that it was difficult to collect! So many friends recommended Apollo. I can tell he¡¯s been working hard for the past six months. Right?

Here it starts!

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo, myself for this award. This is because I have dedicated time and efforts to the commitments of promoting Tunza-Eco generation and spreading environmental information. I have accumulated 400 points during my ambassadorship term and all these come with my referrals to people, comments on other ambassador's posts among others. I will be honored to win this prize. Thank you.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. -He has used his social media to influence his circle to take actions in reducing their carbon print like persuading them to resist from using polythene bags and disposing plastic bottles in the designated areas. He has made us join environmental networks and campaigns like Tunza-Eco generation, captain planet foundation and the tide turners plastic challenge.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. He has inspired youth in his hometown to be cautious and think about the consequences of their actions to the environment. He has promoted Tunza-Eco generation among Ugandans and has persuaded them to join other environmental platforms like captain planet foundation and the tide turners plastic challenge. –

I recommended Ssenyange Apollo. He has written informative and interesting reports on how to conserve the environment by giving easy solutions youth can take on an individual level. He has continued to spread environmental awareness through my youth initiative called the Nansana Cleaning Club. He has promoted Tunza-Eco generation among Ugandan youth who are now considerate of the consequences of their actions to the environment, which wasn't the case before.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. He has inspired more youth to spread information about environmental conservation especially through clubs in both primary and high schools. He has made youth join environmental networks like Tunza-Eco generation, captain planet foundation and the tide turners plastic challenge. -I hope he wins this award

I second Ssenyange Apollo because he really deserves it because of what he has achieved especially during his term. He has connect youth of different backgrounds and nationalities to share ideas and inspire themselves to keep taking environmental action. He has ised his social media to inspire people to know about the plastic problem and how they can react positively to it. He has continued to mobilize youth to clean up plastic and trash and spread environmental knowledge back in his home town. He has also promoted Tunza among the youth he manages, I can testify to this because I am part of his whatsapp group and it is almost every week that Tunza-Eco generation is mentioned and members encouraged to join.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. Apollo has guided me in my adventure tour to know how people are reacting to environmental problems especially here in Uganda. I was curious and wanted to find out whether people are knowledgeable about the environment and I did this myself thanks to the activities of his cleaning club. I also appreciate the fact that the club is not only doing the cleaning but passing on information to the masses on what to do and not to do. He's some one who is always ready to help and a kind one indeed. I therefore nominate him for this award.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo because he personally inspires me. I have got in touch with him and I can only see true commitment and desire to see this earth a better place. He keeps giving me advice on how to run my own small initiative here. This encouragement has been crucial because it is not easy for me. So I nominate him for this award because of his great leadership

No doubt, I nominate Ssenyange Apollo over and over again. He had been dedicated to his commitments and has made them become manifest. Taking time off his busy schedule to keep in touch and encourage a number of youth to stop littering and influence there peers to is not an easy feat. He's gone even further to establish partnership between his club and local NGOs which shows tge sustainability plan of his actions. I hope he wins this award.

I 100 percent choose Ssenyange Apollo from Uganda for this award. He has really taken in concrete action through the Nansana Cleaning Club to make people get concerned about the environment. It is not so easy in these difficult Covid19 times to do such operations and I respect him for this. I am far away from him but he joined me in a whatsapp group with quite active members which has really motivated me in my environmental journey, I nominate Ssenyange Apollo.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO for this award. Apollo has manifested real passion in protecting the environment and pure resilience in taking on practical actions in these difficult Covid19 times. He has established a youth cleaning initiative which has proved to be so influential in our home town. Each of the ambassadors has been amazing but Apollo has really stood out in his commitments. Moreover, he is an activist of the environment and humanity and often draws a relationship between these two which gives his a persuasive advantage. I got a chance to be briefed by him in one of the club¡¯s Sensitization clinics and I clearly remember the zeal with which he made me understand the content. He has dedicated time and efforts in making his struggle not mere wirds but action and it is because of this that I nominate him.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO for this award. Apollo's efforts are really so influential especially in regards to the Nansana Cleaning Club, a cleaning initiative he founded. Every ambassador is inspiring in many ways but Apollo is change maker and eco fighter and has showed his commitment which has been tested with time. I can't forget how he has been persuading us back in Nansana to join this platform so as to get mpre knowledge about environmental conservation. He is a role model back in our local community and I believe he deserves this award.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. Apollo has stood out in Uganda and at the African continent. He hasn't only dealt and inspired Ugandan youth but has gone an extra mile to connect all youth around the African continent and beyond for the environmental cause. He has made us establish a relationship where we encourage each other to keep pressing at whatever action we are taking back in our communities. He has also referred numerous environmental opportunities lije camps and workshops and has connected us to platforms like Tunza which have really been phenomenal especially for me, in my efforts to make research about actions being taken to save the environment. Apollo has gone ahead to use his whatsapp and Facebook to encourage his peers to take action on an individual level at least. It is because of this that I wholeheartedly believe he deserves this award.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. Apollo has made me join this platform and know about Tunza. He has promoted it among youth in Nansana like he is paid. He is informing the masses about the environmental cris and the actions they can take to change the scenario. Furthermore, he keeps feeding us with information and updates about campaigns and other environmental workshops around the world, encouraging us to take part which has made us acquire more knowledge about the climatic problems which we pass on to our peers. I believe his ambassador reports are great because they are informative and easy to understand. Lastly, I nominate him because he does his environmental work with passion and just wants to see people doing the same.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. Apollo is our Ugandan ambassador at Tunza-Eco generation. It is because of him that I am here, connected to with global youth taking action to save earth. He has encouraged and inspired me and many fellow youth back in Nansana to take on daily challenges in our life style to conserve the environment, like disposing plastic in trash cans and reducing its use where possible. Apollo has been so active especially here on ground in Nansana through his cleaning club where we are taking on Sensitization sessions and cleaning activities in markets, trading centers and schools. It is all thanks to his great mobilization skills which I believe are just enough to make him win this award.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo, the 26th Ugandan ambassador at Tunza-Eco generation. There are many things he has done during this term. He has passed on environmental information to numerous people especially the youth throughout theae six months. He has done so through the social media networking and also his Cleaning club in Nansana. He has promoted Tunza among the youth, primarily through tge club but also online through whatsapp groups. I believe his ability to keep up with his commitments especially in these difficult Covid19 times is outstanding. I hope he wins the award.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. Apollo is not only doing online awareness through his social media but also inspiring youth to take on environmental challenges physically here in Nansana. He has encouraged us to have a water bottle so that ww desist from buying water in plastic bottles and polythene bags and if we do, to put these bottles in the trash cans at the shop before being tempted to drop it on the road side. Apollo is really doing so much morw especially through his cleaning club in Nansana which is bringing tge youth together ro engage in environmental activities. He is connecting us to various environmental programs so that we get more knowledge. It is because of this that I recommend him for this award

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. Apollo is our ambassador and has done his duties well. He has made us join thia platform from which we can get information about environmental issues. Apollo's environmental efforts have made the environment a big deal now in Nansana. People now care about how they dispose rubbish especially plastic bottles and polythene bags. Apollo has also inspired students in schools to form sanitation clubs to pass on environmental knowledge to others. I believe he really deserves this award.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. Apollo has written good reports which I believe attract and interest the age bracket on this page. The reports are informative and the content is easy to understand because he establishes a relationship between our normal life and the solution. Secondly, Apollo has made us join Tunza and has marked it among the youth here. The phrase is more famous now especially with the Nansana Cleaning Club activities. He founded this cleaning club and has inspired alot of environmental action through it. Thirdly, Apolo is using his personal space, social media to pass on information among his peers. I believe he deserves this award.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. I was a prefect at my school in Nansana and Apollo came with his team for hos awareness sessions and the way he persuaded students to care for the environment by disposing litter in the designated places really inspired me. I finished school and I have had the chance to work with youth in his club especially at the information session. It's unbelievable how much efforts he puts into the activities because he encourages every team member to make sure that by the end of the activity, he or she has impacted 5 people at least. Besides, Apollo made us join this Tunza platform which I believe has educate us, especially knowing that other youth are also making changes around the world. I 100% nominate him for this award.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO for this prestigious award. Apollo has promoted Tunza-Eco generation among Ugandan youth me inclusive , who now have a chance to access environmental information directly from the website, moreover from fellow age mates. In addition, Apollo has continued to spread environmental aawareness in Nansana through his youth initiative called the Nansana Cleaning Club. It should be noted that it is not easy at all for Ugandan youth to do voluntary work. Even harder for the dirty work like cleaning and walking around from school to school and from one trading center to another. However, Apollo has managed to do so and he is serious about it because he is making sure it is sustainable by establishing partnerships with local NGOs here. Honestly, there's more to mention but I believe him being able to run this club, is alone enough for him to win this award

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. Apollo has been an inspiration leader even before becoming an Ambassador. He only revamped his efforts and spread the fact that I and my colleagues joining Tunza-Eco generation will avail us with opportunities and environmental knowledge, after becoming the ambassador. Apollo has dedicated time to bring together youth of different nationalities and continents to share and think more about the environment. Honestly, I believe this isn't any easy because he commits to it month in month out. Moreover, he does these commitments voluntarily yet with love. I believe the change and positivity he has promoted among youth here in Nansana in regards to the environment should be honored by this award.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. Ssenyange has shown persistence and passion for the environment. Honestly, it's because of his efforts that I and the youth who have been joining his cleaning club, know about the environment. In Uganda, it is so hard to convince the youth to volunteer especially in things of cleaning and teaching people, but the mere fact that he has managed to do this, he has my maximum respect. The way Apollo encourages and reminds us about ensuring that our daily lives are friendly to the environment is ao admirable, one may think that he has nothing to do yet he is actually busy with academics. He dedicates his time and efforts and I can see tgat he only wants people to stop tge littering and conserve the environment I really recommend him for this award

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. Apollo is the Ambassador to Uganda. He has really stood out for me particularly because he has continued to lay grass root work throughout these hard times of the pandemic. I joined his cleaning club earlier in 2020 and the club has been so active than ever because we volunteer to clean markets while passing on information to customers and the vendors. It is not so easy to risk one's life and also convice others to join you. Moreso, he is doing mobilization online via Facebook and whatsapp and he is continuing to encourage you and remind them of the ways to protect the environment and also reduce their carbon print. I wholeheartedly recommend Apollo for this award.

I recommended Ssenyange Apollo. He has proved to be a true leader, not with the intention to win awards but to serve people, protect the environment by raising awareness. Apollo is making good ise of his social media by passing on information to his peers to start caring about the environment. He also connects them to various environmental campaigns, and information camps which I believe is the best way to make people know that there's more attention about environmental conservation than never before. Apollo convinced me to join this Tunza platform which has helped me get to learn alot from passionate youtg here. I always get inspired when I read the ambassador reports, and his of course. I nominate him because I would not have been so caring about the environment if it wasn't for him.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. Apollo is the 26th Ugandan ambassador at Tunza-Eco generation and he is a passionate environmentalist and youth activists. I believe he deserves this award because Firstly, he has done so well with the mandatory duties of an Ambassador, his reports have been so practical, so revealing and informative. They really attract one to read more, even when he is not so much into environmental issues. Secondly, Apollo is really doing a great work here in Uganda by inspiring and mobilizing young people to engage in environmental solutions. Through his Nansana Cleaning Club, Apollo has made an appreciable difference as more and more youth are getting knowledgeable about environmental issues, people in markets and trading centers are becoming cautious of how to dispose rubbish. Personally, I joined the environmental struggle because of him persuading me and I am just one of the hundreds. I hope he wins this award because he deserves it.

I hereby recommend Ssenyange Apollo as the most inspirational ambassador. This is because he has inspired more youth to start up environmental initiatives in Uganda to raise awareness, especially in relation to Tunza-Eco generation. He has promoted Tunza-Eco generation among Ugandan youth who are now considerate of the consequences of their actions to the environment, which wasn't the case before. He has also written informative yet interesting reports on how to conserve the environment by giving solutions to take at an individual level.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. Apollo has inspired more Ugandan to join Tunza-Eco generation and has promoted it. He has also engaged these youth in practical picking up of plastic activities as well as passing on knowledge to people in Nansana through the Sensitization clinics. He has used his social media to inspire his peers to reduce their carbon print and has encouraged us to do the same. His skills of bringing us together through the whatsapp groups enables us encourage each other to continue raising awareness about environmental conservation in our areas. I also love his style of writing the monthly reports because they are easy to understand, informative and interesting.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo from Uganda. He has been an outstanding ambassador especially at the grass root level here where he is mobilizing us, tge youth to be mindful about our environment and engage in bettering it. We have engaged in cleaning market centers and schools as well as holding Sensitization sessions, thanks to his motivation and encouragement. It's hard to keep engaging in these activities voluntarily month in month out but his encouragement and reminders have kept us pushing. He has dedicated time and efforts in this commitment and I believe he deserves this award.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. Apollo has been a selfless green leader. He has brought the youth in Nansana municipality to think about their environment and engage in making it better. The activities of the Nansana Cleaning Club, his youth cleaning initiative, are having a real impact as there is reduced littering in the area. At first, it was difficult to even think of how the club will achieve any success but he has continously mobilised and motivated us to find reason to keep engaging and volunteering in these activities. He is persuasive and has passed on environmental information to an appreciable number of youth. I believe these commitments and achievements put him in position to win this award

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO, the 26th Ugandan ambassador. Apollo has spread environmental awareness passionately and consistently in Nansana municipality and i am part of his youth initiative, the Nansana Cleaning Club. The club¡¯s outreachs in schools have inspired the creation of sanitation and cleaning clubs which further educates students about environmental conservation. Moreso, he has used his social media to take on the campaign to his friends, who are now working to reduce their carbon print. He has done even more than what we can see and it is on this note that I nominate him for this award

I recommend Apollo Ssenyange, the Ugandan ambassador. He has selflessly served his roles with total commitment both on and offline. Here, he's running his cleaning initiative in which je is mobilizing youth to start the change of conserving the environment in the area. Online, he is spreading environmental knowledge to people of diverse nationalities and uniting youth for earth's wellness. Therefore I second him because he is the best candidate for this award

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO. This is because his monthly reports are informative yet interesting. He has also continued to spread environmental awareness through the Nansana Cleaning Club, a youth initiative he founded. He has promoted Tunza-Eco generation among Ugandan youth who are now considerate of the consequences of their actions to the environment, which wasn't the case before. Because of this, I highly recommend him for this award.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo, my ambassador. I am a close friend to him and I often engage in his environmental activities especially through the club. Apollo passionately spreads knowledge of environmental conservation to his peers and youth through social media and through his club activities like the cleaning and awareness sessions. It is honestly not easy to run this club and motivating members to participate voluntarily but he dedicates his time and keeps reminding people every time about the club activities. He's really inspirational and hardworking and a good leader. Apollo deserves this award because he is bringing together not only Ugandan youth but also youth from Africa and other continents together, to keep in touch and encourage each other to keep up the spirit of taking action on a personal level and influencing one's peers.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo, my beloved 26th Ugandan ambassador at Tunza-Eco generation. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here or concerned about the environment that much like I do now. The reports alone, are so informative yet easy to understand. Many youth in Uganda are not so educated and are attracted by easy to understand things and it is really wise of Apollo to notice and implement this. Nansana youth are appreciably picking up the environmental knowledge and Apollo has inspired many to form sanitation clubs in schools. The awareness sessions of his club have had a great impact too and he is not slowing down. I believe his dedication deserves a reward and this would motivate him even morw because he has been referring us to this website

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. Apollo is inspiring us here in Uganda, specifically in Nansana municipality to engage in environmental issues. It's really hard to get motivation for raising awareness consistently but he has encouraged and made us develop a certain zeal m in sensitizing people about conserving the environment. Before, Nansana was all littered with polythene bags and plastic bottles but there's a big change rights now, thanks to his efforts through the Nansana Cleaning Club. He has for sure shown that he does this with love and not in persue of anything, but of course I believe when one does good, he needs to be rewarded. I believe him winning this award will motivate him even more.

Ssenyange Apollo. Apollo is the ambassador to Uganda and he has really achieved alot. I got to know everything about the limate crisis from his efforts of Nansana Cleaning Club. He is making youths learn more about their environment. He is inspiring many to also use their social media to persuade their peers to be mindful of the environment like disposing off plastic and garbage in designated places. Apollo has shown real dedication to the environmental cause and I believe his efforts cannot go unrewarded. He really deserves this.


I nominate Ssenyange Apollo, the 26th Ugandan ambassador to Uganda, my country. Apollo has showcased selfless leadership on ground here in Nansana municipality through the Nansana Cleaning Club, he is really taking efforts to raose awareness as much as possible, it is not easy to mobilise members here especially in these Covid-19 times but he manges to do that. It is him who made me join this platform, he is persuading youth to join and marketing tunza. I am sure he deserves this award, I hope he wins it.

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO, the ambassador to Uganda. This is because he has inspired more youth to start up environmental initiatives in Uganda to raise awareness, especially in relation to Tunza-Eco generation. He is also joining youth to environmental networks like Tunza-Eco generation, captain planet foundation and the tide turners plastic challenge which all contibute to making the earth a better place. He has used his social media to communicate and inspire his peers to reduce their carbon print. I am here because of himand me reading his reports inspires and encourages me because they're so inspirational. I hope he does win this.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo from Uganda, I love his monthly reports, they are outstanding and dig down the problems at grass level. Moreover, he goes ahead to give what he thinks can be done to overcome the stated problems. I enjoy them. I am also inspired by his community betterment activity through his cleaning club of sensitizing people in market places, schools and trading centers to dispose rubbish especially plastic in designated places. I believe he deserves this award

I recommend Apollo Ssenyange, the ambassador to Uganda. I am inspired by his passion towards the environment, more so during his ambassadorship. He is seriously taking the environmental awareness among his peers especially the youth both off and online. Online through the ambassador reports which are so informative, social media and through other environmental campaigns and offline through his Nansana Cleaning Club. Honestly, I wholeheartedly believe he deserves this, I only wish he wins it.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo because he has been outstanding, especially in trying to reach out to African members on the platform. He has used his social media particularly whatsapp to bring those he could together and we have got to know ourselves more and even encourage ourselves to continue preaching environmental conservation. He has not only promoted Tunza in Uganda, vut among African at large, and perhaps other continents because there are many nationalities in the groups. His reports are the second reason I nominate him because they are interesting and make the whole struggle not boring. Thank you.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. Hey, I hope you are doing well, I am SSENYANGE APOLLO and I have served as a regional ambassador at Tunza-Eco generation for Uganda. I contact you to humbly request for your support to recommend me as the best ambassador of the previous term. Please help me out and use this link to write about what I have done https://tunza.eco-generation.org/competitonApplicationForm.jsp He has written informative, interesting and easy to understand reports on how to conserve the environment by giving solutions and has continued to spread environmental awareness through my youth initiative called the Nansana Cleaning Club. Apollo has inspired more youth to start up environmental initiatives in Uganda to raise awareness, especially in relation to Tunza-Eco generation. I have seen this through his social media networks of which I am part. He has used his social media to take on the campaign to his friends to reduce their carbon print. I only wish him the best of luck

SSENYANGE APOLLO I nominate Mr. Apollo because I got to know him from this platform and he has been a close partner ever since, especially in environmental issues. Firstly, Apollo has done exceptionally in the mandatory role of writing reports. His reports show thorough research yet he writes them in such a way that they are easy to be understood by the reader. He has promoted Tunza-Eco generation among Ugandan youth especially through his social media network. He has further continued to spread environmental awareness through his youth initiative called the Nansana Cleaning Club. I wish him the best of luck

I second Ssenyange Apollo from Uganda for the award. His monthly reports for sure show that he puts in alot of work and time to research, and also show pure passion. I love the fact that he really brings out the nearest and easy to understand situation with which many can relate to and tells what we can do differently about it. I also got to know that he is raising awareness through a youth cleaning initiative he founded, for sure this is outstanding and I believe he more than deserves this.

I nominate Ssenyange Apollo. It is not only his interesting yet informative reports but also the practical work he has been doing. He is running a youth initiative called the Nansana Cleaning Club and I believe this is already outstanding because rhis ground work is rhe most effective way of raising awareness. I believe he deserves this award because he has committed himself to teaching and raising awareness about environmental conservation during this term. I hope he wins

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO for the most inspirational ambassador. This is because Apollo has been writing informative yet easy to understand monthly reports. He starts from the real physical perspective everyone feels comfortable and interested to relate to and then proceeds to impart the desired knowledge in each of his reports in a way that makes one want more of his writings. Further more, I believe his reports were so exclusive encompassing all aspects of the climate question. All the best to him

I recommended myself, SSENYANGE APOLLO because I believe I have done outstandingly in my ambassadorship role in Uganda. Hey, I hope you are doing well, I am SSENYANGE APOLLO and I have served as a regional ambassador at Tunza-Eco generation for Uganda. I have; -Written informative yet interesting reports on how to conserve the environment by giving solutions to take at an individual level -promoted Tunza-Eco generation among Ugandan youth who are now considerate of the consequences of their actions to the environment, which wasn't the case before -have continued to spread environmental awareness through my youth initiative called the Nansana Cleaning Club. -Have inspired more youth to start up environmental initiatives in Uganda to raise awareness, especially in relation to Tunza-Eco generation. -I have used my social media to take on the campaign to my friends who are now working to reduce their carbon print -Joining youth to environmental networks like Tunza-Eco generation, captain planet foundation and the tide turners plastic challenge. I will be honored to win this prestigious award

I recommend SSENYANGE APOLLO from Uganda as the most inspirational ambassador. He has wriitten informative yet interesting reports on how to conserve the environment by giving solutions to take at an individual level, promoted Tunza-Eco generation among Ugandan youth who are now considerate of the consequences of their actions to the environment, continued to spread environmental awareness through my youth initiative called the Nansana Cleaning Club, has inspired more youth to start up environmental initiatives in Uganda to raise awareness, especially in relation to Tunza-Eco generation and used his social media to take on the campaign to my friends who are now working to reduce their carbon print.


    Congratulations for ur acheivement apollo
    Posted 25-02-2022 14:14

  • Mukhammaddiyor Kurbonov says :
    Congratulations on your achievement, Apollo! Keep it up! Really respect! Soo many good reviews and comments from other!
    Posted 24-02-2022 00:16

Anghy Aquino

  • Anghy Aquino says :
    Congratulations Ssenyange Apollo.
    Posted 13-09-2021 13:57

Elina  Haber

  • Elina Haber says :
    Congratulations! Definitely deserved :)
    Posted 09-09-2021 16:47

Vazira Ikhtiyorova


    My heartly thanks to you all, the Tunza-Eco generation fraternity. I am so humbled and grateful. It is because of you that I have achieved this award. Therefore, we win together.
    Posted 07-09-2021 18:33

Eco Generation

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