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The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 28th Eco-generation Regional Ambassadors

by Eco Generation | 15-09-2022 08:50 Comments 9 Comments

We're so excited to announce The Most Inspirational Ambassador of the 28th term!

The Most Inspirational Ambassador is¡¦.



Drumroll please!








It¡¯s Sandhya Adhikari! Congratulation! 

Give her a big round of applause.

Shall we read the recommendations written by our friends?

There were so many that it was difficult to collect! 

So many friends recommended Sandhya. 

We can tell she¡¯s been working hard for the past six months. Right?

Here it starts!


Sandhya is completely different in her works, vision and motivation. 

She is determined and straightforward and think for environment and every people. 

so my recommendation goes to her.

My full and final recommendation goes to Sandhya Adhikari. 

Communication, negotiation and conciliator; every sector is best in her. 

She can easily convince people for good, she is creative and versatile. 

In today¡¯s world, these are the characters of need. I hope Tunza would select her.


I recommend Miss Sandhya Adhikari 

as one of the most inspirational ambassador of the 28 term. 

Her works and activities are very much inspiring and she is a real source of motivation for us. 

We are very happy to have her around and her empowering works 

for environmental sector is truly praisable and she is recommendable.


Sandhya is allrounder versatile energetic goal driven action oriented girl 

who help young generation for environment education. 

So my recommendation is for her.


I feel glad to select sandhya as the most inspirational ambassador. 

Her action for serving green community is highly praising. She deserve this.


Without any objection i would proudly recommend Sandhya Adhikari 

as one of the deserving one for the inspirational ambassador of 28th Term. 

She is active in every sector. 

Observing her activities, actions, skills, leadership attitude, positive mindset and potentially

 I highly want to see sandhya as the winner of this contest.


My recommendation goes to Sandhya Adhikari 

for the most inspirational Ambassador for this term. 

She had successfully conducted various online and offline campaigns individually 

and with joint collaboration that has spread much positivity and inspired hundred of youth to act for the environment protection. 

Being her colleagues, I could see how energetically and decently she does all the work. 

She is forward in both academic career and in ECA academics.

 I am much inspired by her creative campaign, 

helping attitude and her positivity. 

Her action for spreading awareness need to be recognized 

so I recommend her for inspirational ambassador. 

Best wishes Sandhya.


Ms. Sandhya Adhikari is strongly motivated towards environmental integrity. 

She has proven this by actively involving in 

number of eco activities and organizing transforming campings. 

She has a supreme mandate to always tell people 

especially the young people about the importance of environmental sustainability. 

She has inspired so many young minds including me,

 opening their minds towards conserving the environment. 

She does sensitization programs in secondary schools, 

high school and to the local children of her areas 

about the conservation of our environment and engages in afforestation programmes. 

She keeps inspiring for inclination of young Nepalese 

on environmental conservation. 

I therefore recommend Sandhya Adhikari 

as most inspirational 28th Eco-generation regional Ambassador.


I want to recommend sandhya Adhikari from Nepal 

as the most inspirational ambassador. 

I believe herself as the most confident passionate 

and enthusiast girl with a strong determination to bring positive change in the society.


Sandhya Adhikari is ambassador to Asia who deserves this honor. 

I am inspired by her passion towards the environment, more so during his ambassadorship. 

She is seriously taking the environmental awareness among his peers especially the youth both off and online. 

Online through the ambassador reports which are so informative, social media and through other environmental campaigns and offline through her eco literacy project at her village. 

Honestly, I wholeheartedly believe she deserves this, I only wish she wins it.


My word of recommendation goes to Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal. 

She is strongly determined and passionate ambassador who is well deserving of this fellowship. 

Her dedication and commitment for the Tunza is far reaching and i believe that she will perform above and beyond expectation in coming days too. 

I hope tunza will understand and recognize her understanding efforts and active participation in eco activities. 

I am absolutely confident that she would be great fit for the most inspirational ambassador of this term.


Miss Sandhya: She is an ardent environmental conservation and sustainability advocate who has an astonishing track record of excellence with different governmental and nongovernmental organizations. She is interested in contributing to environmental management and she greatly advocates that the conservation of the environment with a collective responsibility. she is vividly committed to sustainable environmental management. She contributes excellently to the reduction of environmental pollution both locally and globally. Hence with no doubt I recommend Sandhya for this title.


I would like to gladly recommend Ms. Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal. 

I am well familiar about her passion, involvement and dedication towards environmental preservation. 

Though I am new to Tunza platform but I have assisted her in several campaigns earlier. 

She is one of the most influential girl among youths in my region and even at national level due to her tireless engagement in volunteering and leadership. 

I respect her as a selfless person, love her as a good friend and adore her for passion and determination towards environmental conservation.


I would like to recommend Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal 

As a most inspirational ambassador of 28th term. 

I found her very dedicated to her work and found her report very impressive and insightful. 

She had been updating her inspirational works via her reports so well. 

She a true source of inspiration for all youth around the globe.

 Most of her works are creative and focused on the targeted group. I must say She is a responsible girl and responsible ambassador


Sandhya Adhikari is young passionate, youth involved in various governmental 

and non-governmental agencies creating awareness on having a peaceful environment. 

She is continuously involved in the Eco Literacy Project at rural and marginalized community. 

Her campaigns and projects like plantation, waste management, farmer field demonstration and use of 3Rs proves how active she is for conserving nature. 

I hereby recommend Sandhya Adhikari as the most inspirational 28th ambassador.


I am very pleased to recommend Sandhya Adhikari 

as the most inspirational ambassador of this term. 

As far as I have seen her activities, her honest dedication towards the conservation of this environment, its highly appreciable. 

She has organized environmental workshop targeting the children of the rural area about climate change, plastics pollution, air pollution and a lot of environmental issues. 

What resonates me is the fact that even the country has been hit by COVID-19 pandemic, she has came up with an idea doing her environmental campaign virtually to make it reach to the wider audience. 

Hosting National plantation campaign even during this pandemic describes how concern she is for the environment, how sincerely she is working for environment. 

As far as I had known she always focus her concern to educate the children of the rural areas. 

she is also the social activist who is continuously advocating for youth empowerment, gender violence issues through street dramas, videos and poems. 

Her creative initiation realted to environment has brought ripple effect to multiple number of Eco warriors. 

Her contribution for the enumeration of the collage biodiversity is also totally praise worthy. 

Thus with all these I strongly recommend her as the most inspirational ambassador and tunza should appreciate her work and motivate her to gear up her work in skyrocketing way.


i recommend sandhya Adhikari for the most inspirational ambassador 

who is the one with the qualities who has done better work in our country. 

She has helped me with various projects.


I am immensely pleased to write this recommendation for Sandhya Adhikari 

one of the most active ambassador from Nepal for the most inspirational ambassador of this term. 

No one can deny the fact that being born on the rural Community of Nepal her mission to educate local children about the environment education is totally praiseworthy. 

Her both offline and online project has brought a ripple impact on the community. 

In a span of 3 year she has worked with clear, concrete and most importantly her aim is so valient for the green community.

 So I admire her personally and believe her as the deserving one for this title


Having being Sandhya's friend for many years and being there to witness her humbleness,

her leadership, her obedience and her courage to do the right thing and set an example for social change, 

I believe and would highly recommend Sandhya Adhikari in this great endeavor and believe that she will be valuable asset in this organization and do true justice to this position. 

Thanks for being so inspiring


For the prestigious title of the most inspirational ambassador 

of the 28th eco generation regional ambassadors there is only one name and she is non other than Sandhya Adhikari. 

She has activity points of more than 15000 in the year 2022 which also shows that how dedicated she is on this platform. 

Her activities are really inspiring and reports are motivating. 

he is working to make this earth a better environment for future.

 Sandhya Adhikari is also a very humble and helped many young in the early days of joining tunza wholeheartedly. 

So, it's a very proud moment for me to recommend eco fighter Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal for this title and I am sure that she will do justice with this honorable recognization.


Everyone is inspiring in many ways but this time I am writing recommendation 

on behalf of Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal. 

Her passion, zeal and sincere efforts towards stimulating environmentally conscious attitude is appreciable 

and I heartfully appreciate the way she has been conducting environment awareness campaigns in her region. 

Uplifting and creating the young leaders and spreading eco Literacy at marginalized community of Nepal is praiseworthy. 

Hence, Miss Adhikari is so suitable for this title.


I want to recommend Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal 

as the most inspirational ambassador or this term as she is the action oriented much sincere and the energetic youth 

who has the record of the work that has the huge impact on the society. 

She is the girl who motivate other to help in preservation of environment who inspired me too to work for the betterment of the earth. 

So my recommendation is for sandhya 

and i believe she is the most deserving one.


I would highly recommend sandhya Adhikari from Nepal for the most inspirational ambassador for 28th term. 

Observing her each and every activities i donot find anyone than she for this title. 

She is the real gem who enlighten everyone with her positive aura.

 She is eco hero who has selflessly served for environment preservation.


My recommendation is all for sandhya Adhikari from Nepal one of the active creative 

and deserving person. 

I like the way she conduct all programme, her every action motivates me. 

She is true eco activist of Nepal and tunza family.


My recommendation goes to Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal 

who is also serving as an ambassador to Asia. 

She is undoubtedly a deserving one who has inspired me 

along with 100 of youth of Nepal. 

Her helpful attitude and her sincere nature to carry work for making positive change in the society 

and enlighten person has impressed me alot. 

She has successfully carried her campaign from ground level to up.

 Going through her each report I could see how hardworking she is. 

Her effort in making Tunza well known to us. 

She is one who believe to create leader than followers. Besides these all she has been actively involved 

in various NGOS and INGOs where she raise agenda for the various climate related issues. 

So i think Tunza should recognize her effort. I believe she is truly a much deserving one.


I nominate Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal 

as a most inspirational ambassador for 28th term. 

All the ambassador equally deserve to be most inspirational 

but among them if I had to choose one, 

my final recommendation will be for her. 

She is most active, work oriented person, 

with full package of skills in managing woks. 

she has inspired and mentored me as well to be involved in this platform for the protection of the environment. 

Her work is admirable and tunza should acknowledge her work with this title. 

Her every projects that she has carried out and the assessment of that project also proves her action has the multiple impact on the target arena. 

Not only this she is an incredible human with multiple talents, 

who is best in every fields. 

With no confusion, my final recommendation is for her.


Most inspiring Ambassador: Sandhya Adhikari (Nepal). 

She has been putting her sincere efforts in stimulating environmentally sound, 

effective and conscious environment knowledge to the young mind of Nepal. 

She has a deep understanding of environment, 

is very independent and her drive towards her goal is very inspiring. 

Apart from promoting Tunza E-Gen through her various events, 

she also actively run Tunza Eco Network, 

Nepal Facebook page to nurture young minds with green energy.

 She is truly a positive and self-motivated person. 

Hence my full support and recommendation is for her.


Ms. Sandhya Adhikari is strongly motivated towards environmental integrity. 

She has proven this by actively involving in number of eco activities 

and organizing transforming campings. 

She has a supreme mandate to always tell people especially the young people about the importance of environmental sustainability. 

She has inspired so many young minds including me, 

opening their minds towards conserving the environment. 

She does sensitization programs in secondary schools, 

high school and to the local children of her areas 

about the conservation of our environment and engages in afforestation programmes. 

She keeps inspiring for inclination of young Nepalese on environmental conservation. 

I therefore recommend Sandhya Adhikari 

as most inspirational 28th Eco-generation regional Ambassador.


I want to recommend Sandhya Adhikari from Nepal 

for the most inspiring ambassador for this term. 

She is one of the most impactful person i had ever encounter with.

 She is the one who had introduced me about this platform, 

guided us throughout the entire phase. 

I had seen her activities, her report on the tunza platform 

which is inspiring and meaningful. 

She had conducted various programs collaborating with 

various reputed environmental organization of Nepal. 

She has not only able to ignite the flame of the environment conversation on me but to the many people of her reach.

 She is from the rural community of Nepal, her action to bring 

eco literacy to the children of these village is so appreciable. 

Not only this she also volunteer farmers, guide children of the eco club and children club. 

The list of the program that she has conducted truly depicts her dedication for the conservation of mother earth. 

She had restlessly and without any selfishness served for the environmental protection. 

Her involvement at various NGOs and INGOs and her impactful programs also prove herself as the deserving 

one for the title of most inspiring ambassador.


Sandhya Adhikari, who is my friend since childhood. 

From the beginning I am impressed by her, she was the one who inspired me to be the part of this platform. 

Frankly speaking I am not only one who is following her path 

but there are several youth who thinks her as a role model, 

She has learned to stand for the betterment from the early age of her life. She has been giving her maximum time, 

efforts on this platform for making this platform well known to much people of her reach. 

She has worked on and off campus issues ranging from awareness, volunteering during COVID-19 pandemics virtually. 

Her each activity, initiation just explains her magnanimity and her heroic nature. 

She has helped me as well to carry out various grassroot level program and ever inspired me to give back something to the society. 

Thus I evey for her responsibility, personal skills, creativity, braveness and sincerity. 

I admit in this term many ambassador has worked so genuinely, there are still other who are qualified to be the best, 

but the tireless effort of Sandhya Adhikari in this platform proves that she should be the winner of this honorable title. 

She has also accumulated nearly 15000 points in a very short span of time. 

I am so sure , there is no one other than sandhya who deserve to hold this title. 

My full and final recommendation is with Sandhya.


  • Sagar Koirala says :
    Congratulations Sandhya
    Posted 07-03-2023 17:36

  • Serah Emiade says :
    Congratulations 👏
    Posted 28-02-2023 03:28

Jivitesh Gupta

  • Jivitesh Gupta says :
    So nice to read this. Congrats Sandhya ji
    Posted 06-02-2023 02:26

Elina  Haber

  • Elina Haber says :
    So happy for you!

    Posted 03-10-2022 00:46

Shreya Kaushik

  • Shreya Kaushik says :
    Whoa! Many Congratulations Sandhya!! Keep inspiring! :)
    Posted 28-09-2022 20:24

Anghy Aquino

  • Anghy Aquino says :
    👏👏 🎉 Congratulations Sandhya Adhikari. Well deserved!!
    Posted 16-09-2022 03:06

  • Pragya Pant says :
    Congratulation dear Sandhya. You are much deserving one
    Posted 15-09-2022 16:57

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