Environmental Networking Platform for Children and Youth by SAMSUNG E&A
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by Cheha Paik | 02-01-2025 16:15 1
In the last four years, my life has revolved around insects. I visited an insect farm for the first time in freshman year, experiencing what it means to live as farmers who raise crickets instead of traditional livestock. Movin... Read More >
Anoushka Sinha | 23-02-2021 04:57 3 1
Hello my fellow Eco-warriors it¡¯s been such a beautiful journey learning, reading and working with you all. I am extremely grateful to Tunza Eco-Generation for this opportunity to be able to make earth a greener place. In this re... Read More >
Makomborero Muzunde | 23-02-2021 04:51 2 0
Our country is still developing a waste management system which is being pushed by the private entities and the government. The government declared the first Friday of each month to be a clean up campaign day as its baby steps to ... Read More >
Makomborero Muzunde | 23-02-2021 04:43 3 0
The current rain reason in Zimbabwe has been characterised by normal to above normal rainfall. We are expecting a bumper harvest after threee seasons which were marked by droughts. The question that we need to ask ourselves is tha... Read More >
Makomborero Muzunde | 23-02-2021 03:30 3 0
I remember when I was in primary school, behind my grade three classroom there was a huge pile of waste. In mind my little mind I asked my self questions that I could not find answer. Why do people water this pile of waste? Why pe... Read More >
Keitaro Hanzawa | 22-02-2021 23:36 4 0
As I have grown older I have observed a stronger emphasis placed on workplace sustainability. The ¡°workplace¡± for me is school, primary based around education. In elementary school, we had a mini-garden. In middle school, w... Read More >
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