Environmental Networking Platform for Children and Youth by SAMSUNG E&A
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by Cheha Paik | 02-01-2025 16:15 1
In the last four years, my life has revolved around insects. I visited an insect farm for the first time in freshman year, experiencing what it means to live as farmers who raise crickets instead of traditional livestock. Movin... Read More >
Sainath Manikandan | 17-02-2021 14:08 5 0
¡°On land and in the sea, our fore-fathers lived and survived in this environment. They were able to do so because they recognized the need to conserve it, to take from it only what they needed to live, and to preserve it for succ... Read More >
Bal krishna Pandey | 17-02-2021 01:15 6 0
Bhima is currently leading as the President of ZeroDebris Nepal which a country representation of ZeroDebris that basically encourages and motivates volunteers to pick trashes in public spots and places. She is also working as the... Read More >
Bal krishna Pandey | 17-02-2021 00:58 3 0
BUY NOTHING RAMPUR (BNR) This a story of a group of students who are living in the hostel of a University in Nepal. BNR is a group where you can find a way to give, receive, share, lend and express a gratitude through a ... Read More >
Sainath Manikandan | 15-02-2021 20:01 5 0
We live on a blue planet, with oceans and seas covering more than 70 per cent of the Earth¡¯s surface. Oceans feed us, regulate our climate, and generate most of the oxygen we breathe. Oceans are facing threats as a result of huma... Read More >
Ilona Poplavskaya | 15-02-2021 00:37 4 0
Exposure of industrial and toxic residues to the surrounding area In labor, the difficulties of littering the surrounding area with industrial and household waste look like. Severe pathologies in the ideology of planning in the p... Read More >
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