Environmental Networking Platform for Children and Youth by SAMSUNG E&A
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by Cheha Paik | 02-01-2025 16:15 1
In the last four years, my life has revolved around insects. I visited an insect farm for the first time in freshman year, experiencing what it means to live as farmers who raise crickets instead of traditional livestock. Movin... Read More >
Nour Jennane | 05-07-2020 20:45 8 0
The textile industry has become an environmental disaster. How and under what conditions are our clothes produced? What is the real impact of this industry on our planet? What solutions can be found to change things? The fashio... Read More >
Asmita Gaire | 05-07-2020 11:16 14 0
Imagine, you get stucked into the forest. You have no water and you can't find any water sources nearby. Your thirst have no limit and your water bottle is also emptied. What will you do, then? You must have heard about anim... Read More >
Diana Gamazova | 04-07-2020 22:04 9 0
So this is just a brief comment about current situation in Kazakhstan - the country of mine. We have more than 30.000 cases and this number is growing with every minute. Our people remain unconscious about simple rules to keep the... Read More >
Sandhya Adhikari | 04-07-2020 21:25 13 0
How sweet it is to eat all those candies sharing nobody, How crunchier it is to finish all those packets of chips within a minutes without sharing anyone, Shit all those wrappers, Who cares?? Dear Human for even a few second did... Read More >
Asmita Gaire | 03-07-2020 13:09 24 0
Why shouldn't we take shower and exercise after we have meal? We must have heard it from our ancestors that we should never take shower and exercise after meal. But this saying from ancient history has a scientific wisdom too... Read More >
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