Microclimate Modification and its importance. |
by Sandhya Adhikari | 06-10-2019 18:20
Microclimate is the suite of climatic conditions measured in localized area near the earth surface which includes temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and moisture which provide ecological condition. In seminal studies, Shirley (1929, 1945) prioritized microclimate as a determinant of ecological patterns in both flora and fauna community and crucial for growth and mortality of organisms. Microclimate is so crucial for the plant growth, development, regeneration, soil regulation, maintaining plant physiology, respiration, photosynthesis, nutrient cycling and wildlife habitat research and selection which is the crucial component of current ecological research (Chen et al. 1999). Correspondingly it is the control of plant environment to ensure the optimum condition for plant growth as well as the crop production. Artificially created environment may be suitable and important for one component where as it may be deteriorating to another organisms and components, However optimum condition refer variable with the growth and development of plant, a set of ideal condition governing from planting to the emergence period. So the control of environment must be continuous specific or intermittent. The interaction between the microclimate, energy and physiology of plant are complex and linear. The microclimatic modification of the physical environment includes; -control the heat loss -control the water balance -control the wind velocity Addition to this control of the heat loss can be done through heat trapping and evading which is first applied in applied in temperate areas with short growing season and second in tropical and sub tropical arid climate. Heat trapping is done by the adjustment of canopy structure of vegetation by orientation of row direction in which solar radiation penetrate in crop canopy such trapped radiation becomes available to the lower portion of the canopy directly and also by the reflection from the wall, Plastic sheet placed between plant row reflect light on the lower section of the canopy which direct rainfall towards the plant and reduce evapo transpiration loss from the soil, mulching and plugging are effective method to reduce heat flux from soil and save crops from excessive cooling. Heat evasion shedding of plant is common method of evading solar radiation shedding structure from food and fiber keep the temperature low and reduce evapo transpiration. Similarly water balance can be controlled by controlling runoff water and increasing infiltration, which can be obtained by strip cropping, contour ploughing, terracing and so on. Rate of infiltration of water into soil depends on the soil structure and texture, soil cover and often duration and intensity of rainfall. Similarly atmospheric turbulence or wind velocity influence the configuration and distribution of plant in that region, as well as affect plant life both mechanically and physiologically. The wind affects the plant directly by increasing transpiration and the intake of carbon dioxide. It increases heat desiccation of plants by replacing humid air by dry air in the intercellular aspects, shelter belt reduces wind speed. It is useful for betterment of the microclimate of field thus in increasing production and productivity. To sum up, Microclimate is an essential indicator of soil type, soil structure, plant type that can be grown in that climatic conditions and region the only region why the Niagara region is suitable wine production is because of its microclimate. Thus also microclimate is important to cope up with the alarming climatic change . |
Greetings Sandhya
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report.
I hope yo read more from you
Keep writing
Green cheers!
Posted 18-03-2020 11:41
Greetings sandhya
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this great report
I hope to read more from you!
Green cheers
Posted 17-03-2020 12:20
Greeting sandhya
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report.
I hope to read more from you.
Keep up with great works
Green cheers
Posted 16-03-2020 03:56
Hello susmita
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report.
Posted 29-02-2020 21:12
Hello sandhya
Very nice
Thank you so much for this report
Posted 26-02-2020 21:40
Greetings sandhya sis
I hope you are doing well
Thank you so much for this report
It's very well written
Green cheers
Asmita Gaire
Posted 29-01-2020 01:20
Hi Sandhya!
Thank you for the detailed explanation about microclimate.
I've never heard about the concept, but reading your report, I can see the importance of microclimate to the environment.
It is just great how the elements of the earth like soil, wind, water harmonize in such a perfect way. The harmony makes this planet suitable place for living things including humans.
By little bit of research, I found out that microclimate generally becomes target for mathematical analysis.
If many people get to know the importance of microclimate, they will be much more motivated to preserve the environment.
Thank you again, for the nice introduction to the concept.
Keep up with the good work.
Posted 15-10-2019 22:05
Hello Sandhya
I do hope that you are fine and doing great with your works.
Thank you for your report about Microclimate Modification and its importance
Green Cheers from Nepal :)
Keep writing great reports.
We are eager to read more reports from you.
Kushal Naharki
Posted 12-10-2019 16:52
Hello sandhya baini,
Thanks for sharing information about microclimate.
Posted 07-10-2019 12:58
Thank you so much preeti sister. Keep inspiring me.
Posted 06-10-2019 22:33
Hello Meena pandey,
Thanks for going through my report and giving such a wonderful compliments.
Posted 06-10-2019 22:32
Hello Sandhya!!!
Thank you for the well written report.
Micro climate influences the soil structure,soil type along with the vegetation.
It is of significance to study the micro climate as it has direct impact in the vegetation.
Keep writing and shining.
Hope to know more from you.
Warm regards,
Meena Pandey
Posted 06-10-2019 22:27
Hello dear didi :) thank you so much for sharing your knowledge
Good wishes
Posted 06-10-2019 21:54