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(Air Pollution) Traffic in Jakarta, Indonesia

by Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas | 12-04-2019 02:32 recommendations 0


Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is where the National Monument is located. The National Monument in Indonesian translates to Monumen Nasional often shortened as Monas. Monas is situated in the center of Jakarta where governmental offices are located around the site. The business center is not far from there, right next to it.


Both the governmental area and business area share the same main road. The main road is one straight line that breaks off into smaller roads. This area is certainly packed and is not a stranger to traffic jams during working hour. Transportation such as motorcycle, car, and bus that produce smoke have contributed to Jakarta¡¯s air pollution.


Even with the existence of public transportation, there are people who still choose to use private transportation due to efficiency and such. Public transportation in Jakarta can be said to be a bit lacking. Public transportation routes that lead to the center of Jakarta would be crowded where bodies are pressed together like a can of tuna. The government has done all it can and are still improving the public transportations.


I would like to give an example on how the use of transportation has a direct effect on air pollution. But first, I am going to explain the background story. As some of you may know, Indonesia has the largest Muslim populace. We have this period of time called lebaran, which is similar to thanksgiving, where people would go back to their village origin and eat together. The majority of people living in Jakarta are new comers, meaning they were not the original occupants. When lebaran comes, there is a stark difference in Jakarta. The roads would be deserted, meaning there would barely be any traffic. It was so deserted that someone even did a photo shoot in the middle of the road. Another person even took a photo of the air in Jakarta and made a comparison that shows the difference in Jakarta during any other day and during lebaran. You can see how the air during lebaran is a lot clearer than on any other day. This shows that people using transportation massively would have this effect. That is why we should be smart and use public transportation whenever possible, because at least we would lessen the total of air polution.

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  • Dormant user Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas
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  • Louis Mentor says :
    Hi Ida,

    Your report is impressive and I can clearly see how transportation affects the air pollution from your photos! We actually have the same problem here in South Korea and our local government is trying hard to control the traffic when severe air pollution is detected and observed. We should really come up with the eco-friendly transportation to mitigate this issue. Thank you for your amazing report!

    Louis Mentor
    Posted 22-04-2019 15:11

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Ida,

    I like this report immensely, you have not only put forth a statement and a real life scenario, but you picture shows just how pollution looks like to the everyday person living in Indonesia!

    Your report was wonderfully written and I look forward to your next report Ida!
    Posted 18-04-2019 16:59

  • Yerdaulet Rakhmatulla says :
    Hi, Ida. I knew a lot about air pollution from your report, especially the use of transportation on holidays. I would take a photo as yours but in Almaty some day. Next time try to use more synonyms because you overused words like transportation, Jakarta and pollution.
    Posted 17-04-2019 22:23

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Ida Ayu Mas Amelia Kusumaningtyas

    Thank you for your amazing report about the impact of traffic on air pollution. While reading your article, I really like how you compared the air during lebaran period with the air during other days. By looking the pictures you uploaded, I could clearly see how using massive transportation contaminates air in a few days. Thank you for all your efforts and time taken into writing this report : ) Keep up the good work!

    Wonhee Mentor
    Posted 14-04-2019 12:33

Vazira Ikhtiyorova

  • Vazira Ikhtiyorova says :
    Greetings from Tashkent, Ida!
    Just have read your article, that's truly amazing! So many new things to be read! Thanking you for it!

    Posted 14-04-2019 02:23

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey there Ida,

    I trust you are well. You have really made an impactful point with your report. The practical approach on how you have witnessed the citizens in Jakarta and the volume of carbon emissions they release is what people don't see on a daily basis and you have truly brought about this notion in its truest form.

    Thank you for this well written report! You have made me witness how air pollution really manifests.

    Kinds regards,
    Posted 12-04-2019 19:29

  • Xilola Kayumova says :
    Ida Ayu Mas, thank you for the great article. Although I am Muslim , Alhamdulillah, I have never heard of Leberan. However, Im very happy that the environment has a chance to *relax*, at least when its Leberan -) I believe you can help Jakarta with air pollution as well. Do research about Fabriccs and Companies, ehich produce bad air)
    Posted 12-04-2019 13:56

  • Rashmita Mainali says :
    This is really a great report...
    Posted 12-04-2019 10:27

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