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Currently in Kenya

by Yvonne Wabai | 01-04-2019 07:06 recommendations 0

In Kenya, things are not going so well as far as climate is concerned. We were supposed to have our long rain season starting this March but it has hardly rained yet. Our seasons are:
i) hot and dry - December to February 
ii) long rains - March to May
iii) cold season - June to August
iv) short rains - September to November 
Because of climate change, these seasons have shifted. Long rains are now occurring in the cold season and they're mostly in the form of flash floods instead of a satisfactory rain period. The hot season is also much much hotter and the cold season is much colder. Because of this, we're experiencing food and water shortage. There are mitigating measures that have been put to effect as we try to battle climate change but it is expected that, all over the world, things will get worse. What effects of climate change are you seeing in your country?

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  • Dormant user Yvonne Wabai
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  • Rashmita Mainali says :
    Thank you so much for this report...
    Posted 18-04-2019 10:13

  • Desire HOUNGNIGBE says :
    Thank you for this report. Climate Change is a phenomenon that affects our existence. Even in Benin my country, things are not going well. For example, in March, the temperature has increased and has also reached 40 degrees Celsius. It shows that the consequences are apparent everywhere.
    Thanks again for this report.
    Posted 05-04-2019 16:57

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Yvonne!

    Thank you for sharing your report about the climate change in Kenya. In Korea, we used to have four very distinct seasons. However, now the spring and fall are getting shorter. The climate changes make the weathers unpredictable, which causes crop losses. I think this is the universal phenomenon. Thank you for your report again and I??d like to read more articles about the situation in Kenya! : )

    Wonhee Mentor
    Posted 03-04-2019 16:44

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello yvonne
    Thank you so much for this report.
    Very sad to hear about changing climate. Hope this get mitigated very soon.
    Green cheers
    Posted 03-04-2019 01:40

  • Louis Mentor says :
    Hi Yvonne,

    I really appreciate your report and I had great time reading this. Although due to the time constraint, I could not provide you with a detailed feedback, I'd like to point out that you did a great job!

    Keep up good work :)

    Louis Mentor
    Posted 01-04-2019 21:16

  • Nikolay Dagaev says :
    Hi Yvonne! I thought Kenya was always so hot. It turns out that Kenya is cold and heavy rains. You're right, climate change has affected all of us. As for your question, I have already stated my opinion on climate change in Russia in two articles and will soon post here the last part of my article.
    Thank you for report!
    Posted 01-04-2019 19:32

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Yvonne,

    I agree with you on that notion, climate change has affected the time frame the seasons should act out. Even here in South Africa, we experience the exact same thing. From extreme weather events, to late spouting/blooming of vegetation, climate change is unfortunately getting worse as you said.

    Thank you for reporting!
    Warm regards,
    Posted 01-04-2019 17:24

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