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March 2019 Free Report - RRC Update

by Aaditya Saha | 01-04-2019 22:54 recommendations 0

This month has been a huge success for my Environmental club, Reduce, Remove, Conserve (or RRC for short.) The club is an organization that will help the environment with its problems with waste, specifically plastic pollution. Environment pollution is one of the major problems we have been facing globally, and to reduce our necessities is the biggest concern as it accumulates pollution. Starting with the wildlife implications and ending with the greenhouse gases it emits while degrading, plastic waste, in particular, is specifically damaging to the environment. Protection of our environment is one of our major responsibilities and a natural way of caring for ourselves and for our future generations. I started my club on the platform of reducing the amount of plastic waste being used on a day to day basis going into the environment. I started this club at the start of the school year, and we¡¯ve had cleanups, participated in challenges, and started plastic recycling at our school.

This month, we have planned on expanding our recycling even further. While before, we only have recycling bins in 3 places around the school, we are planning to put recycling bags in every classroom in our school and in the fine arts building and in the gym.                                  


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  • Dormant user Aaditya Saha
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  • Louis Mentor says :
    Hi Aaditya,

    Thank you for your update on RRC and I believe what you have done will definitely be a big step towards a cleaner world! Please keep up the good work!

    Louis Mentor
    Posted 11-04-2019 21:35

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Aaditya!

    Thank you for your report about RRC! I am glad to hear that the campaign your club started has been vey successful! You're right. Waste disposal is one of the most serious problems we are facing and the plastic pollution is in the worst situation. I wonder how your managed to reduce the ise of plastic productions. Ot will be really helpful if you can share the ideas in more detail : ) Keep up the good work!

    Wonhee Mentor
    Posted 04-04-2019 10:28

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello aaditya
    Thank you so much for well written report.
    Green cheers
    Posted 03-04-2019 01:38

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey there Aaditya!

    Your're right to say that globally, the environment is facing a tough time with pollution and the number of solutions being put up against the number of anthropogenic activities is is way less. I am glad that you club have advanced so well in the past few months, and I really hope that what you have put forward (placing more binns around your schools) materialises soon.

    I wish you all the best Aaditya,
    Warms regards,
    Posted 02-04-2019 16:23

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