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Learning Session _Tunza Eco-Generation and STEM Mates Unite!

by Rosa Domingos | 02-04-2019 17:49 recommendations 0

Change Starts with You and Me

That has been my motto throughout my journey as an Ambassador. If one does not initiate a call to action, when who is expected to? This is why, on the 30th of March 2019. I had set out to meet the STEMMates. This is a club organised by Nomvuyiseka (Vuyi) Tumana, a kind and humbled person who is also my colleague at the Department of Water and Sanitation. I had met up with her the week before to brief her of my work and what the mandate of the Eco-Generation Platform are. She happily invited me to one of their meeting sessions where I got a chance to talk about the Programme and also share so insight of what wonderful learning experiences that it provides. 

Nomvuyiseka (holding the camera) as she informs the attendees of upcoming activities. I handed out promotional goods to the attendees such as: the Eco-Gen' flyer, notebook, pen, ruler and my business card if they wish to get hold of me.

The attendees of the learning session also known as The STEMMates.

The attendees spanned for the ages of 6 all the way to 17. All vibrant and excited to be part of the learning session. They introduces themselves and also mentioned what they would want to become in the future. 

A STEMMate member, she was giving a mini intro about herself.

Some mentioned 'Lawyer', 'Actor/Actress', 'Geologist', 'Police officer' and the one that made me and everyone in the meeting laugh was when one 6 year old attendee said that he would one day like to become an 'Accident!'

This STEMMate member, was also giving a mini intro about herself.

The club has also planned on a number of upcoming projects, such as: beach clean ups, river clean ups, participating in public speaking and also getting many disadvantaged schools in involved with their programme. Nomvuyiseka has already invited me to future meetings and activities that are in the pipe-line at the moment as well and I am so thrilled to be part of this journey with the STEMMates!

Who could that be in front of the Tuna Eco-Gen banner Mmm?

In addition, I also let them on the monthly events and competitions held by the Platform. So Tunza will be expecting a multitude of South African STEMMates as active members soon! :)

I would like to takes this opportunity to thank Sis Vuyi organising this learning session. You are an inspiration to me and many who want to do the work that you do. Moreover, you are a ray of hope for many children who think that the streets are the only place to be. And most importantly, you are the salt of the Earth, you not only uplift the children mentally, but spiritually as well. Keep shining Vuyi!

And take a bow STEMMates!

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  • Dormant user Rosa Domingos
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  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Mentor Luis!

    Thank you so much for appreciating my report! I do have more pictures and I will upload them today on the gallary section, I will also post more of these events with pictures. Thank you!
    Posted 21-04-2019 14:42

  • Louis Mentor says :
    Hello Rosa,

    It is definitely highly impressive by your report and I was deeply touched that there are many young people around the world who are interested in saving our environment. Please let me know more if there is any more events like this with photos! :)

    Great job!

    Louis Mentor
    Posted 21-04-2019 11:18

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey Desire!

    Thank you for your kinds works...I too look forward to publishing more reports!

    Your comment has not gone witnessed. Thanks Desire!
    Posted 05-04-2019 16:38

  • Desire HOUNGNIGBE says :
    Hello Rosa. That is fantastic work you are doing and looking forward to reading more about you in the coming days.
    Posted 05-04-2019 16:15

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hi Mentor Wonhee,

    Thank you so much for reading my report! The attendees were truely excited to be part of the learning session, moreover, this meeting has excited more children and youth to take part in the next learning session.

    I too am hopeful that these kids will become ambassadors in their own right and keep on being a force for nature.

    Thank you!
    Posted 04-04-2019 18:44

  • Wonhee Mentor says :
    Hello Rosa

    Thank you for sharing your experience! I really like your photos and I can really feel how happy it must be to attend the session. I truly expect all of the attendees to be what they want and the future Tunza ambassadors as well! Keep up the good work : )

    Wonhee Mentor

    Posted 04-04-2019 17:36

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey there Asmita!

    yes, the programme went well, passed my expectations. And thank you for reading and commenting on my report.

    Warm regards,
    Posted 02-04-2019 18:47

  • Asmita Gaire says :
    Hello Rosa sis
    These pictures are so much pleasing and exciting. I trust the programme went very effective.
    This programme is amazing. Thank you so much for reporting about it.
    Green cheers!
    Posted 02-04-2019 18:37

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