Pandora's Box |
by Jeewon Shin | 20-02-2019 23:22
(photo = https://gamja-blog.tistory.com/1192) In the movie, the main characters were workers of the nuclear factory in town. At the beginning of the movie, some children were pointing at the nuclear factory and guessed what was in there. One of the kids says ¡°That building will save us all!¡± It shows that some people have a positive attitude towards the nuclear factory. They believe that it will help the town economically and will bring them happiness. However, the movie also shows environmental activists who are against nuclear factories. They claim that it is too dangerous and we need to strengthen laws and research more about this before we use them. Later in the movie, the water that was supposed to cool down the plutonium leaked and radiation spread across Korea. This led the whole country to chaos. The government did its best and sends firemen to the factory but because of strong radiation, more and more people died and got sick. Desperate they look for volunteers who would go into the nuclear factory to fix the situation. The factory workers who have already been affected but survived volunteered to go into the factory and fix the cooler. At the end, the main character sacrificed himself and saved all. (photo = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXmHA-XySmk) ¡®Pandora¡¯ is a woman from a Greece tale who was full of curiosity. Her curiosity led her to something that she should never open. That was the Pandora box. One day she was too curious and finally opened the box. This released all the evil on the Earth and everything went chaos. However, there also was a hope in the box which eventually overcame evil. Was it just me, or did those stories seem too similar to be just a coincidence? I think this is what the crew of the movie was trying to aim for. Pandora from the Greek tale represents us, the humans. We are curious creatures who opened the box that we should never have opened, the usage of nuclear power. The radiation or the evil spreads everywhere but hope, or the main character stops this disaster. At this timing, we can clearly see that the movie is against the usage of nuclear energy. What is nuclear energy and why is it so bad? Then why are people trying to use it to power our houses? (photo = http://theconversation.com/small-nuclear-power-reactors-future-or-folly-81252) Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactions that release nuclear energy to generate heat, which most frequently is then used in steam turbines to produce electricity in a nuclear power plant. (cited from wikipedia) Nuclear factories use uranium and plutonium to create nuclear energy. When I say ¡®nuclear¡¯, you may think of the nuclear bombs that were used in the World War 2. Well, the concept of nuclear power is the same as the nuclear bomb but the usage of it is different. The nuclear bomb leaves horrible effect and radiation to where it has been dropped by the energy of an atom. The nuclear power is made in nuclear factories that collect the energy made from an atom and generate electricity. Nuclear power certainly is environmental because it emits no or little greenhouse gases and it saves more than $12 billion dollars each year in the U.S. If it can save that much money for the U.S., how much money do you think other countries could save? It is actually already used in our life and 13% of the world¡¯s energy is generated from nuclear factories. Then now you may ask ¡°Then why do people hate it that much?¡± It is because nuclear power is dangerous and it creates another mess; nuclear waste. Nuclear waste is worse than any other trash in the world. It decays after 24,000 years. Until then, it still radiates radiation which is dangerous. This is why it needs to be thrown away deep down into the ocean. Another one bite of the Earth. A lot of people are arguing for pros and cons of nuclear energy and it is still true that nuclear accidents are terrible but nuclear energy is terribly strong. It is both sides of a coin. We need to know its barriers and must be very careful with it. December 27th is the day of nuclear safety. KEEP CALM AND BECAREFUL FOR NUCLEAR ENERGY. |
Hello Jeewon
Thanks for your report about the movie Pandora's Box. After reading such an interesting report about the movie, I'm really excited for watching the movie. This movie sounds really fun with lots of information on nuclear energy too.
Keep writing great reports)
Green Cheers from Nepal
Kushal Naharki
Posted 21-02-2019 14:56
hi do you want
There's so many implications that goes with the use of nuclear energy and I'm so thankful that you pray to our attention today it is true I don't know think that the movie was a clear coincidence I do believe that that the movie producers of the particular movie God inspiration from Pandora's box and I believe that us as humans could use this as a learning Factor
I am also aware of the positive attributes of using nuclear energy such as less environmental release of toxic gases into the atmosphere, but nuclear waste is the most dangerous form of waste out of all (as you have mentioned) and if a resource takes 24000 years to Decay, does this not this mean that civilization will have 24000 years of grief before nuclear waste becomes obsolete?
I like the manner in which you have put this forth this truely brings out a huge statement that must be dealt with that must be talked about.
Thank you so much for reporting, I look forward for your next report as this one has goten me curious...
Stay Joyous and live green!
Rosa Domingos
Posted 21-02-2019 00:00
Wow,amazing report
Posted 20-02-2019 23:26