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Policies i would like to implement

by Bwalya Bwalya | 20-02-2019 22:06 recommendations 0

Policies and procedures are extremely important as they provide clarity to the reader when handling issues or activities that are of critical importance to the company. These may include health and safety, legal liabilities, regulatory requirements or issues that have serious consequences. I would like to do attachments at Zambia  Bureau of Standards. While there, i will come out with policies such as having each company conduct safety and health trainings or workshops for workers. This will help avoid work related risks and hazards and also give workers better working conditions. Asides this, employers will be made accountable for their actions. Furthermore, will make sure organizations have proper waste disposal structures and also practice waste sorting. In line with the aforementioned, i would urge organizations to reuse and recycle as much material as possible so as to reduce on the number of material factories produce.I would make it a priority to also ensure that each organization practices reforestation. This is because trees not only beautify the environment but they aso contribute to the supply of clean air (oxygen) in the atmosphere. 

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  • Dormant user Bwalya Bwalya
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Kushal Naharki

  • Kushal Naharki says :
    Hello Bwalya,

    I do hope that these polices can be implemented in your region. These are really good policies and must be implemented for the protection of the environment.

    Keep writing great reports.
    Green Cheers from Nepal

    Kushal Naharki
    Posted 21-02-2019 16:02

  • Rosa Domingos says :
    Hey there Bwalya!

    I commend the policies that you would put down from the practice of deforestation, to the traditional practice of reducing, reusing and recycling. All these issues are quite important to make sure that the serious consequences that leads to unsustainable development is minimised or remain obsolete.

    Thank you for reporting Bwalya!
    Yours sincerely
    Rosa Domingos
    Posted 21-02-2019 02:38

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