No one left behind |
by Hnin Phyu Sin | 19-02-2019 19:22
I gave commitment to write about the issue of women's career works and education for this month. After learning first degree, people mostly entered to the job for livelihood. Some people keep on studying for the greater degree. Whatever decision make, the most important thing is not to leave the studied things behind and to keep on studying. At work, practical work is a little bit different to link with the theory mentioned in the book. Whilst, we forgot what we learning and we sometimes forget to keep on studying. Please try to give the time on learning new facts, people sometimes gave up upon their learning as they have to earn for their livelihood.
In my society, some women, wives have got doctorate degree but they do not work or teach and they do not try to do another research works after that. What is the reason? The reason is because of their family problem, they have to do the house works and nurturing their children. For this, government have the responsibility as it is a kind of losing human resources for the country development. Most talented women are spending their valuable time upon the house works. Somebody would say their husband would have to care their wives. Yes, we do also need of their support too. Also arranging for that issues by government and society's support are the very essential thing. Nowadays, the workable women's percentage is greater than the past. But it is still weak. Women's roles are still being the limitation in some fields. That's why, gender issue has been considered as the one concerned thing in the sustainable development goal. The ability of women is also huge and they can mould the earth to be a be a better place and to be a good environment. In the water sector that I am working for now, decision makers are mostly man and the women participation is very weak. There are many wonder women who would go front line for the country development and environmental conservation. Cheer up for them and lift them.
I love articles like this showing respect for both the genders!!
Posted 20-02-2019 03:22
thank you Hnin Phyu Sin for sharing this valuable thought of information.Feminism plays a great role
Posted 19-02-2019 23:15
very true
Posted 19-02-2019 23:15
Hello Hnin
As human beings, we share the same right and the responsibility in this Earth and both right and responsibility should not be neglected and discriminated by one's gender.
We all share the same possibility that we could lead this place into a greener one and also carry the same responsibility to recover the damages done by our kinds.
Thanks for the report :)
Posted 19-02-2019 19:49
Hello Hnin
While Writing the report of social problems of Nepal, I did mention about the gender issues as one of the major problem. Gender discrimination is one of the major issue as women aren't provided equal opportunities in the society. This too hampers the environment too. Recently, there has been a online course provided by UN and UNITAR on Gender and Environment. I am hoping that i will complete the course, once I get the free time.
Thank you for the beautiful report.
Keep Writing. We are eager to read more reports from you.
Green Cheers from Nepal
Kushal Naharki
Posted 19-02-2019 19:29