UAE' efforts towards Ozone Layer protection |
by Lohita Swaminathan | 16-01-2019 03:26
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the ozone layer is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of a number of substances believed to be responsible for ozone depletion. The treaty was opened for signature on 16 September 1987 and entered into force on 1 January 1989 followed by a first meeting in Helsinki (May 1989). Since then, it has undergone seven revisions. Due to its widespread adoption and implementation it has been hailed as an example of exceptional international cooperation with Kofi Annan quoted as saying it is ¡°Perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date¡¦¡± The ozone layer is found in the stratosphere between about 30 km above the earth. The ozone layer protects us from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. Thinning of the ozone layer increases the amount of UV reaching the earth which can increase skin cancers, suppress the body¡¯s immune system making people more vulnerable to disease, can cause cataracts and other eye disorders, damage marine life and reduce crop yields. Thinning of the ozone layer was first reported in 1975. It was identified that certain chemicals notably Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC¡¯s), Halons, Carbon Tetrachloride and Trichloroethane which are highly stable and eventually reach the stratosphere and are broken down by UV radiation, releasing free chlorine or bromine which catalyzes the destruction of ozone. Scientists predict that the ozone layer will recover if we cease emissions of the chemicals which are causing the damage, although it will be a slow process. Efforts to control and phase-out ozone depleting substances was led by the United Nations. The 1987 Montreal Protocol on the Control of Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer requires the signatory governments to regulate consumption and production. UAE is a signatory to the Montreal Protocol. The protocol divides countries into two classes based on their level of use of controlled substances. Developed countries were required to cease all production and importation of controlled substances on 1 January 1996. Developing countries (Article 5 countries) have a 10 year grace period to meet the phase out targets. This grace period is a time to plan to meet the phase out targets in an orderly economical way. Alternatives already exist and these will become increasingly cheaper, while the cost of controlled substances will rise as supplies are harder to obtain. The UAE has been making strong progress to reduce Ozone depleting substances such as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), Methyl bromide, Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), Hydrobromofluorocarbons (HBFCs). Even though UAE was never a producer of CFC, it was one of the first countries to be a signatory to the Montreal Protocol, a treaty to phase out use of CFC and ozone-depleting substances. Back in 1999, the UAE issued Federal Law No. 13 for 1999 which controlled the import of ozone-depleting substances. It also issued Ministerial Decree No. 16 for 2003 which established fees on the licenses issued to import ozone-depleting substances |
Thank you all for the comments, UAE used to have mainly polluting refrigerants which have been banned for use now.
Posted 20-01-2019 01:46
Hello Lohita
UAE has shown a good example of what a nation could do to contribute to the improvement and conservation of our nature!
The Montreal protocol has provided an international regulation to restrict the use of pollutants and to finally phase out with adjusted periods concerning the conditions of each nation. However, the protocol is useless if no one follows it. So it is even more admirable of UAE to be setting its own goal and to aim for the mitigation of climate issues.
Thanks for the report :)
Posted 18-01-2019 15:48
Hello Lohita Swaminathan
Hope you are fine there,
UAE always have something new thing to surprise me, i am happy with UAE effort to stop Ozone layer Depletion,
It is such massive topic to discuss, we had monthly mandatory to write about Ozone layer depletion
THANK YOU so much for this beautiful report.
Posted 16-01-2019 23:42
As we had discussed on Montreal Protocol in the monthly report few month back, I can relive the memories of the reports about ozone layer depletion by the fellow ambassadors.
Glad to know about the efforts made by the UAE for the protection of ozone layer. I too had discussed about ozone layer depletion and the steps to be taken to reduce it during my school campaign too.
Keep writing great reports Lohita.
Green cheers :) :)
Posted 16-01-2019 18:04
Hello Lohita, did not know that UAE also produced stuffs that emit CFC or relative gases in the air. May I ask what kind of products were they?
Apart from the past and fact, what we need to take a look at is late 1990s' effort of UAE, trying not to emit such gas anymore and reduce it down to the certain level. Charging ozone-depleting substances with fee also sounds nice as it can back up the existent law to reduce the ozone depletion effect.
Thanks for your report!
Posted 16-01-2019 17:50