Green Logos and Pictorials |
by Neha Swaminathan | 15-01-2019 03:24
Environmental Care as we know is taught using lessons, art, PowerPoint presentations etc. I am sure everyone would agree the impact of the visual media. Pictures speak a million words and the ability to retain the pictures in mind is far more than the text forms. We know the road rules are communicated through the Traffic symbols which many people recognize immediately. The aviation industry communicates similarly through the pictorial representation on actions to be taken within the aircraft and in emergencies. We all recognize Restrooms for men and women in any language because of the logos. We know the logos for Elevators and Escalators.
But apart from the Recycling logo, most people are not aware of the other symbolic representations for Green Actions. This is because there are no widespread uniform Green logos.
Environmentalists should first come up with a common code of symbols like the traffic symbols and make the pictorial representation of Do's and Don'ts for environmental care. If such a common code is agreed upon, then the visual advertisement media should be compelled to show the Disposal codes when they advertise for selling the products.
For example, an advert for any medicine can show a picture Not to flush down the drain. Such pictures will make lasting impression in the minds of the public and make a major change in the way we all dispose trash.
It is time the world takes a serious note of the need to come up with Sustainability and Green PICTURE codes for universal adoption. |
Hello Neha
The report reminds us of the importance of universal standards.
Symbols, Logos, remain longer and are accepted immediately when seen compared to other forms of representation. However, as the report points out, we do lack a uniform standard for environmental logos.
Hope with sincere discussion and effort suggestions and decision could be made on this matter.
Thanks for the report!
Posted 18-01-2019 15:12
Hello Neha, I do agree with what you are saying. However, I do also think that there are way too many logos about green actions or though many of them do have similar or familiar meanings inside. It can trigger or make people get confused about it, paying less attention or not even taking care about it. Likewise, acknowledging and understanding easily is basically what we need to take care about before people see green marks :)
Thanks for picking out what we are missing!
Posted 16-01-2019 11:53
This is such an interesting report Neha.
The same thought came in my mind too. I too agree with you as there should be universal environmental codes so that people find it easy to work out with. As of now some signals of like recycle and dustbin are popular.
Keep writing great reports Neha, I find your reports really interesting and I'm really eager to read your next report.
Green Cheers
Posted 15-01-2019 23:18
It is very true pictures and visual representations last with longer with the audience. As Deepak as commented, I also like the idea- Code of environmental symbols. I think we can recommend these symbols to TUNZA and they can help us recommend it to UNEP. Better still, existing symbols should be released to us and we are going to make them more publicly known in our regions.
Thanks for this educating report Neha
Posted 15-01-2019 20:04
Hello Neha Swaminathan, Namaste
I really like your ideas, yes traffic light are universal
Like this way if we can make green logos universal than it will be very easy to work,
Thank You for this amazing report
Keep writing such amazing report.
Posted 15-01-2019 19:55