Ideas for environmental campaign |
by Adrianna Wojtyna | 06-01-2019 21:35
Dear all, The holiday season is officially over. In my region, it was time of great celebrations, whether it was for Christmas or New Year¡¯s Eve. Such events are usually accompanied by a festive dinner and usually too much food is prepared for such events. They increase the phenomenon of food waste, which is not only typical to holiday season. It happens all the time. And it is important to point out that it has a detrimental effect on the environment. In addition, in my region, although food for Christmas Eve dinner does not contain meat, the rest of the Holiday Season meals usually include loads of animal products. Unfortunately, a consumption of animal products also has negative impact in the environment due to their high carbon footprint[i], huge water consumption for their preparation[ii], as well as release of methane to the atmosphere[iii]. The observation of holiday season and how it is celebrated made me realize that the way we eat should be changed. Therefore, I think the campaign to raise awareness in the sustainable food consumption should be encouraged. One of its components should be lectures which will show the effect of food waste and animal product consumption on the environment. Firstly, it is necessary to point out that when food is stored on landfills, then when it decays it produces methane, a greenhouse gas, with a higher potential than carbon dioxide[iv]. In addition, agriculture requires substantial amounts of water. Therefore, if food is wasted, then it actually means that fresh water is lost, as well[v]. In addition, the meeting can also raise the issues connected with meat consumption. It has been proved by many researches that vegan diet it the best when it comes to its impact on the environment[vi]. Meat production requires 83% of farmland, but provides only 13% of calories from produced food[vii]! Large area required for keeping the livestock bring deforestation and a loss of habitat for many animals. Actually, in my local community, we were really concerned about the food waste. Therefore, we organized a meeting with the director of the canteen and we set up a rule that if someone is not going to dinner, this person should write an email. As a result, the canteen will not prepare a portion for this person, and food will not be wasted. Moreover, I requested a reduction of use of cheese for vegetarian dishes, since this product has higher carbon footprint than pork[viii]. In addition, in order to reduce meat consumption, for our family Christmas dinners, I prepared alternative dishes, which replicate traditional meal, but without animal-based products. I would call this my little campaign, because all my family really enjoyed the meals, and actually preferred them from the original versions. I think January is a really good time to start that change: in your family, in your school or just do it yourself! Veganuary is a global initiative to go vegan for a month of January[ix]. It is encouraged that one of the new year¡¯s resolutions is reducing a meat consumption, and Veganuary might be a great way to start! Whether you waste less food or consume less animal products, it would be fantastic to start thinking about eating sustainably! [i] http://www.greeneatz.com/foods-carbon-footprint.html [ii] https://waterfootprint.org/en/water-footprint/product-water-footprint/water-footprint-crop-and-animal-products/ [iii] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/sep/29/methane-emissions-cattle-11-percent-higher-than-estimated [iv] http://www.foodwastexperts.com/food-waste-problem.html [v] https://www.moveforhunger.org/the-environmental-impact-of-food-waste/ [vi] https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/veganism-environmental-impact-planet-reduced-plant-based-diet-humans-study-a8378631.html [vii] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth [viii] http://www.greeneatz.com/foods-carbon-footprint.html [ix] https://veganuary.com |
Hello Adrianna
Indeed January is a great time to start a new change.
Your suggestion truly gives us good insights into what we could include to our newly proceeding campaigns!
Wish everyone best luck on their campaigns
and please update us with your new works :)
Thanks for the report!
Posted 11-01-2019 16:34
Hello Adrianna, starting some new platforms or working with others in local community can trigger others to participate in environmental campaign easily. Though it seems very unfamiliar or makes people feel uncertain about it for the first time, once you start it and keep it up with it, then they would be able to be free to take a part in.
Ideas and approaches are really important too, like you said in above, food waste issue might not be the sole problem for you to feel like that. Others will also think and agree with it in the same way!
Hope you can proceed onto your ideas later on :)
Posted 09-01-2019 22:49
Hi Adraina,
You seem to have carefully sighted the most pressing need in your community. Yes we have to move against wastage of food items, which you are ready to do.
Being a vegan only may not be the solution to the problem but having the knowledge that flood wastage is not good
Thsbks for the report.
Posted 08-01-2019 18:17
Good day Adrianna!
I trust you are well.
Indeed, the festive season brings about a mass amount of food waste. Moreover, there is a mass use of meat and meat alternatives that eat up being thrown away.
I have a deep concern that 83% of land is used to herd livestock but a minor portion of nutrition reaches consumers. And I concur that with a new year and a new month, we should make strides for a healthier and Earth friendly food nutrition.
Thank you for reporting Adrianna! As always, a meaningful and knowledge bound report!
. Yours sincerely
Posted 08-01-2019 04:23
Thanks for your report!
Keep writing!
Posted 07-01-2019 23:14
Hello Adrianna Wojtyna, Namaste
Hope you are fine fit and happy
I am very that your are thinking of awareness in the sustainable food consumption, this is very necessary, i also conducted ECPAC campaign, one of my program was awareness in Food waste.
I like your rules, hope you can do more awareness in school, this will be very great.
Thank You
Keep writing !
Posted 07-01-2019 02:01
Thank you Adrianna for such a beautiful report.
New year with new enthusiasm, commitment seems to be a great time a start a new campaign. I too am planning for a campaign soon. Regarding food waste, I had written a report on Food waste during festivals and also uploaded a video on youtube regarding the same theme. Hope you had gone through them. They might be useful for you during your campaign.
Wishing you all the best for your campaign. Hope to see many programs and beautiful report in coming days.
Wishing you happy and prosperous new year 2018.
Green cheers from the land of Himalayas,
Posted 06-01-2019 23:20